Volume 6, Issue 5, page 11
cedure. If your faith does not bring results,
it is as "the salt that has lost its savor."
The conscious mind might be pictured as a
machine that has never been used for its real
purpose. The attraction of outside things has
always blinded man to his greater possibilities. Psychologists and mental scientists have
made a more or less extensive study of the
actions and reactions of man's thoughts, but
in all their searching they have never tapped
the regenerative stronghold of wealth. In fact,
their labors have led them away from, and into
mental jungle tanglements of less awareness to
life's precious secret.
The scholars who applied themselves to the
intricacies of the mental powerhouse have made
several conspicuous errors in procedure. First
of all, they have studied man as a single entity and overlooked the universal power of the
one mind law expressed thru the whole human
family. This error is comparative to judging a
whole army by making a careful examination of
one soldier.
Secondly, they limited themselves by accepting as final t h e vibratory expressions
which are now in general use, whereas the
secret of accomplishment lies over a road of
expressions which are yet to be developed .
Thirdly, there has been no classification
of mass mental energy. Man, individually, has
little strength; man, co-operatively, working
on an exact scientific law, has tremendous
power. He can, co-operatively, change the
hitherto unchangeable universe, change the
hitherto unchangeable mental-physical man.
"The brotherhood of man" is a phrase that has
been bandied ignorantly for ages. This is both
a principle and a coaaanand of a high law and if
discovered or applied to wrong laws, there
will be no beneficial results.
"The brotherhood of man" is the basis for
the volume of energy required to produce the
action of change. It takes a certain volume of
energy to produce a light or run a motor; if
only a fraction of this certain or required
volume is expressed, there is no action. One,
two, or three volts of electricity are the
same as none when 500 volts are needed. The
500 volts required ARE the " brotherhood of
sturdy quality which overrides doubt and fear. man" , or the degree of co-operation demanded.
To "convert yourself back as a little Anything short of this is failure of action.
child" , to "repent" , to "sin no more", to A machine that requires 500 volts of elec" give your wealth to the poor" -- all of these tricity to run properly has been measured and
mean practically the same thing: change your constructed relative to this volume of energy.
mind! If you change your mind to a different A scientific law of relativity is involved and
line of thought, you are "born again". You any "falling short" or "missing the mark" of
have caused a rearrangement which is a new this demanded balance means no action.
place of beginning, a new birth, a new en- Jesus of Nazareth started out to organize
deavor. humanity according to a certain high law. By
Edison "converted" himself to a new method teaching a correct system of thought and pracof endeavor; he "baptized" himself, "washed" tice which conformed to this high law, he knew
himself of all the mental rubbish that had that when the required number of people or the
hitherto prevented him from producing the required volume of energy was applied, his law
knowledge of electricity. By "his acts" we would act. Perhaps they killed this man and
`know him" -- by "his acts" we know the law and many of his followers and perhaps they did
how that law acts which he discovered. not. No really reliable history can be obtain"By their acts ye shall know them;" A more ed and the crucifixion is a symbolic teaching
scientific statement was never made. Edison representing an action of change in the body.
proved the truth of his ideas by "his acts ". Judeaus Philo taught the same thing in AlexEdison's acts were productive. Others have andria at approximately the same time and was
proved just as conclusively the falseness of merely ignored and ridiculed. The true Christ
their ideas by their lack of benefit-producing method was not accepted, and even tho 300
acts. Thousands of years of belief, dogma, years later the writings were used to form a
pseudo-science have not given us one little new religion, they were changed to such an
indication of the promised eternal life. If extent the original truth was most difficult
the centuries of search had been for the secret to segregate and understand. By ignorant hero
of electricity and we had not yet discovered worship of the teacher and no comprehension of
it, any sensible person would say it was time his method, the high law was not complied with
to be "born again" with a new set of ideas, a and no acts were forthcoming.
new attitude, a new manner and method of pro- (Continued in the October issue)
Christ Bachi
Part IX
E ARE on the verge of an entirely new era
of "scientific" discovery -- not just a new
era of "vibratory" development, but an era
of knowledge entirely different in every
respect. Every alert, wide-awake person
should adjust himself to this supreme
order, which is "running over" with priceless
Centuries of tumultuous and tragic experiences have produced a quality in mankind that
is keenly searching for, and desirous of, better things. This outstanding quality reaches
its greatest expression of activity in these
United States. We have worked out many laws,
produced t h e i r benefits, discovered their
weaknesses. It is our nature. to keep driving
until we find the law which will produce perfection itself .
We are on the borderland of that discovery
because we now know of the law, but our real
discovery lies in making that law act in its
all-inclusive fullness. The MIND is the gateway to the life cells. The MIND can either be
a barrier or an open channel toinner expression. Thomas Edison made his mind an open channel to a certain vibratory law and the action
of that law came out into his consciousness.
What one scientifically asks for, he receives. We are asking scientifically , as did
Edison, but our demand is for a far greater
law. First, we change our minds, just as Edison did, by leaving all the old, narrow, useless ideas of man behind. Then, as did Edison,
we open our minds to new, strange, unheard of ,
unsanctioned ideas. At first, this may cause
uneasiness, qualms of doubt, and, perhaps,
even fear, but by now we have developed that