Plowing Up the Field
either. Forty-five and 78,yes, ting out the magazine mentally,
but no 33 1/3. Hearing of our doing away with such mundane
predicament, Lag Lockhart of things as composition, layGrants, N. Mex., came to the outs, photography, press work,
rescue with a short review -- and and mailing. Which would save
in addition, a recording of the on postage, too -- a big factor
record on tape. Thanks, Lee... in these days of mad Washing¶ Volnev Mathison, after test- ton budgets... ¶ Contributors
ing one of the new ScientologY to the Lending Library since
"clears" at a special called last report include Mary HYde,
meeting in Los Angeles, sent Alexandria,Va., Harold
us two long pages of singeing Thibodeau, Myrtle Beach, S.
remarks anent what he calls Car., and a large box of more
"the biggest farce yet". In an than a dozen titles from Dr,
accompanying letter, he states Marcus Fite of Kellogg, Idaho,
that he intends to sum up his who checks back among his enpresent Scientology views in a grams and aberrations and adnew book, "Where I Stand, Now", mits that he's a former ` lkie" ,
which, we suspect, we could having been born in Pawnee,
review even before we see a Okla., which is only 10 skips
.. and half a i ump east of Enid.
Plowing Up the Field copy of it .
¶ When we got a copy of No. 1 Almost everyone -- even The
¶ Combining two issues in 24 "Newsletter " from the Aug- ABERREE -- got a going-over at
tralia Psychology Centrg of the open house thrown by Ruth
one, as we do each mid-summer sydney, we were quite fascina- Knutsen of the SanDiego Churcfi
and mid-winter, should give us ted with the collection of of Scientology in El Cajon rea chance to catch upon all the philosophies contributed by Gently, according to a report
little things that come up and various members. However, when from Muth Qharrop. The Charneed doing. But it just didn't we got to what should have rons have just bought a house
work out this issue. Days were been Page 5, we were on Page 4 in El Cajon, and moved in from
too long, and the evenings saw again. Which would have been the Ranch. Present, in addius in the garden hoeing weeds, unimportant -- even The ABERREE tion to the two Ruths, were QaLl
or cutting the lawn, or pick- gets put together wrong once and LaVerne Jardine of Los
ing and canning a bumper crop in awhile -- and we suppose we'd Angeles, Joyce Barrett of San
of cherries, or... And to make not have died had we not fin- Francisco Mariiane Nuttall of
things more complicated -- well , ished Bill Rigby's comments on Lakeside, and, we suppose, one
we just had to call an end to GOSSIP, or even if we hadn't to a few dozen others. Those
the contest about changing the known Bill wrote it. But ,in not present got "mention" -- honname of The ABERREE a few weeks the next day's mail, comes a orable, we hope... ¶ Rev. A0Z
earlier than we'd originally corrected copy -- which is some- Davis missed Enid when he took
planned, because we were not thing of a record in telepath- a sudden flier from California
prepared for the flood of let- is action on a message three to Florida for the start of
ters that descended upon us. or more weeks before you send his lecture tour, but ina letMany asked long questions that it. Hey! What are we saying?... ter from Miami, he reports a
necessitated long replies -- and ¶ It took Norman Fritz five
in case you don't know it, packed lecture hall his first
writing a few hundred letters -- months before he got around to night at the New Age Church,
short nhu hundred to s -- bringing his Scottish bride to Davis adds that his Shrine of
even things o --
addeg to he Enid from Wichita, but it was All Faiths has been dissolved,
other can be quite job. Ie
some of you didn't worth the wait. Isobel is a his books turned over to deala
get answer- teacher of Scottish dances and ers for distribution -- all of
ed at all, maybe this explains knows little of Norman's Sol- which has freed him somewhat
why -- and we offer this asa entology hobby, but we'll bet for travel, writing, and leereply and an apology. It isn't a pound of cracked cherry pits turing. We're sure our readers
that we're suddenly noncommun Isobel learns about auras be- hope this'll give him time for
icative; it's just that some- fore Norman becomes an expert another article now and then.
thing happened to all the Enid on the Highland fling, or whatt And this might be a good
ever it is Isobel dishes out place to explain why we're not
clocks, making them run twice to her customers... starting ~¢ Arentz's "Sort of
as fast as they have in the ¶ When readers get so psy- History of Dianetics" this
past. Must be the H-bomb radi- chic they don't have to sub- month, as promised. The first
ation.., scribe, it gets to be a prob- of the series was in type, but
¶ $~ gardner has returned lam as to who's going to pay in our experimental effort to
to the Salt Lake Weather Bur- for the paper and ink. Luckily , reduce a bulletin-board dimeneau after four weeks of work we don't have many readers like sloe sketch of the author down
as an observer in Billings, C.F. "Pop" Evans, one of our to usable size, we got into
Mont. Now, with his feet back pioneer subscribers, who met difficulties. In the meantime,
on his desk, maybe some of the us in the post office the other lev Crabb sent us a report
crazy weather we've been hat- evening. "I'm still enjoying of the "flying saucer" convening this Spring will go back The ABERREE, he said. Some tion, which was too much of a
to behaving. Or is that too of it I don't understand, but tempation. Plus the fact the
much to ask of an H-bomb ridden I certainly enjoy what I do." pub„ a " saucer fan" of no mean
atmosphere... ¶ A couple months "Thank you," we said -- and when enthusiasm, did a bit of armago, & El, vanVogt sent us one we got back to the office, we twisting... ¶ Jonas Bigq says
of Mavne'g "Freedom Records" checked his file card. Amazing! 7ydokumzruskehen, after a nano review -- but alas! we had His subscription expired last tional referendum, turned down
no player that would play the December! Problem: Is he get- any change in the name turned doE.
right speed, and to our amaze- ting it psychically? And if so, They operate big "out there "
ment, this was a speed not is this condition contagious? ¶ p raretand n Purcell
popular among o u r friends, Maybe some day we'll be get- M
were raef visitors