Phonyx; ad for books
PHOENIX, June 16—There are two reports current on the taped Congress held in hoenixt One, that (VJV /5\it was a success, IlSt ft ®ven without Ron, ^ J' and the dichotomy that it was a flop because of Ron's absence. The Churchills had other, more important business. Head quarters for the H.A.S.I, will remain at 1017 North Third until further notice, with Burke Belknap in charge of training.
Freddie and Bob Sutton are expecting almost any day now, and their new swimming pool is being rushed— although not exactly in preparation for the event.
Jim and Jean Struckmeyer plan a trip to Honolulu in August. (Ooo-la-la, or is it a-lo-ha?)
A. E. VanVogt spoke to the Phoenix Dia-Sei. Group recently—a validation on study he has done on the Six Basic Processes. He thinks they work uniformly well under proper conditions and without variations. (How about a report on this for The. ABERREE, Van?)
The Iron Cap Caper uranium exploration and promotion business is proving as erratic as the soul-saving business—even though it is being guided ty Scientologists,
Jon Kenworthy reports of the Washington conference that Ron gave his usual fine act, ran his usual circuits, and the usual faithful gave forth with their usual enthusiastic reactions .
Wish we could share our heat with you. It was 112° the other day.
Dragons fear thunder.
Unless your eyes are burned out by the deadly radiations from your T-V, how about giving yourself a treat with a good book, as you sit eosily before the fire some summer evening? May we suggest any or all of the following:
Eeman—la simple language , in two tcliwn by Toln®y
t>u» author tails bar fai—m md— lfatblasn. IWtsiling use of the iatians can ha used to cure di- I Hater — pins several tedw Mssc—your own, or in coopera- nipwi new being introduced to ticm with others- Diagzsns dsn- danen far use in therapy. A onstrate the use of a few Inez- theory at nan apd wiy ha is HI ■ pensive squares of copper and no etndsnt can afford to pass lengths of copper wire—and the whether ha eaaa an—
laboratory is complete. Soae of pqrdhcnetar or not. Both vol-
the cures claimed for this sin- eaaa ............. *3*75
pie process will startle yen.— .
333 pages, feice .... 94.00 8CBGB OAEB—A novel of nawma-
Darina in a gnll tom • with BOTES OB THE CLINICAL OOQBSE— a hn^mrinlding of love.
More than 200 pages of notes'' hate, oil, and greed—and how from lectures given hr L. Bon they embroil, the - closely-knit Hubbard to students of his 9800 nailers of a aaall village. Clinical Course. These cover Heirein ia pictured a phase of theorv. uroceeses not available iaericana that has all buVdis-outside the classroom, and the appeared. 332 I• • • $2.50 exact patter for several hours ___
of group processing. . . 96.00 BIBN1 DIABETIC UbrlB—an in-
dependent, salf-determined -S? IPP| .TMMVPiBy armed ON THE DOC- British acnthly. with news and S0BA3E COtKSE. 52 pages of views for. the entire field- Jfcey, notes obLondan lectures.. . 9l* year, 12 isaiea. . • • 42.00
(All orders subject to previous sale. If books are not available, money will be refunded.) .
HEAL YOURSELF, By G. end H. Anthony . ........... $3.00
YOU LIVE AFTER DEATH. % Harold Shaman ......... $2.75
ON AUDITING. By Martha Courtis................... $1.50
SCIENTOLOGY 8-8008. (First Edition—Used) . . . - ..... $1.25
"TECHNIQUE 88"—15 hours of Hubbard tapes, made in June. 1952 These are on plastic. and in metal cans. Bargain at . $60.00
Order from The ABERREE
207 North Washington Enid,