Volume 9, Issue 9, page 13
V3,64-14.A/ l ryftf, g,Ttrerir 'T Im z)") a
ECENT mail brought in a
group of questions, behind
which I see a growing interest in handwriting
analysis, with one question uppermost: "How does
it work out?"
This is a rather broad question and covers considerable
territory. Handwriting analysis doesn't "just work out" --
unless the writer puts to use
what an analyst tells him or
her. We can direct, suggest,
and in some cases, insist that
a writer do this, that, or the
other -- according to the desired information. We cannot
force anyone to do a thing. It
works if the receiver of the
analysis wants it to.
In line with the principal
subject matter of The ABERREE
comes a question that causes
considerable thought: Do vibrations cause the hand to
write in such a way that betrays the writer, or what is
the reason?
Every analyst must have a
certain amount of psychic ability -- just as everyone does in
any profession (otherwise, how
could anyone be figured out,
even remotely?) Analysis work
is no different in this respect. I have been told by several ABERREE readers that I
use more psychic than scientific sense. Maybe so, but I
am not aware of this, and lay
no claim in any way to anything other than knowing handwriting analysis thru years of
study and experience, both in
handwriting analysis and with
people. Having a natural liking for folk makes this a pushover to help where and when I
In writing, naturally the
subconscious of the writer is
in command. If we consciously
formed each letter as we put
it down, I wonder how many letters would get written! It
would take the average person
something like three or four
hours to write an average letter.
No, our subconscious stores
everything, habits are formed,
and woe unto anyone who thinks
he is capable of controlling
every thought behind every word
he writes. It could lead to
the nearest mental hospital --
or jail, depending on the temperament of the writer. Police
files prove this, in forgery.
No one -- but NO ONE -- can completely disguise their writing
-- ever. Try it some time for
your own satisfaction.
C. T., New York, N.Y. -- The
trouble with this writer is
fairly simple: emotions are
deep. But she is easily influended, therefore confusion and
doubt invade her good judgment. Determination -- longrange type, with plenty of tenacity -- give her a driving desire to do things -- get things
done. If she would use her
brains -- of which she is amply
supplied -- and let others' opinions have the importance they
'most always do have -- she'd find
her mind clearing up, her interest in spiritual work develop. She no doubt has been
given so many different opinions, her own is lost in the
shuffle. She DOES have a problem, but one that can be solved
by closing her mental door to
the variety (and probably erroneous) advice of the skeptic
and unbeliever. Truth doesn't
come easily, and can come only
thru the individual; it is not
the conglomeration of dozens
of opinions -- just one, your
own! * * *
C. M. V. , Salt Lake City -- The
writer of this sample is a
rather emotional person, cultural leanings, spiritually
inclined. Striving to be individualistic but not quite making it. Irritation is apparent
in this writing -- at himself, no
doubt. Some repression is evident -- could be a form of selfdoubt. He is quite analytical
and not always as diplomatic
as he could be. He would like
friends, wants to be amiable,
but there is something in his
make-up that restrains him.
Davis. 211 pp. Pub. by Roy
Eugene Davis Enterprises, Garrett Park, Md.
"This Is Reality" continues
the quality of information for
which Roy Eugene Davis is becoming widely known.
The Aphorisms of Patanjali
form the basis for this book,
and their value is enhanced by
the comments of Mr. Davis, who
has the ability to reveal occult teachings in language understandable to the western
mind. Some have criticised him
for making this esoteric data
available to the public, but
he feels that the widespread
awakening in human consciousness at this period in history
justifies his action.
Mr. Davis explains, with the
aid of a chart, that we are
now in an ascending Electrical
Age, to be followed by a Mental
Age, culminating in a Golden
Age about 12,500 A. D., and this
is caused by the revolution of
our sun about a magnetic center, influencing earthly conditions and consciousness. Thus,
we can rest in the assurance
that regardless of appearances ,
the earth and its inhabitants
are becoming refined, and it is
impossible for man to fall
from his destiny.
However, it is not necessary for evolution to take its
slow course, Mr. Davis says;
we can hasten our own illumination, and by so doing, raise
the consciousness of all. The
paths to this are as many and
as varied as the seekers, but
Mr. Davis hopes the thoughts in
his book will act as guideposts along the way.
It should be a source of
relief, Mr. Davis feels, when
one realizes that the soul it
not actually identified with
the mind. As soul, you are a
"unit of awareness", which i4
never confused and cannot make
a mistake. The mind acts as a
transmitter between the power
of spirit and the world of form.
The mind can be disciplined,
controlled, and modified -- it
can learn, unlearn, and be confused with incorrect data -- but
the soul is perfect.
"After the soul nature ha;
come to the surface and governs
the body, we will understand it
is just as good to live on this
plane as any other," says Mr.
Davis, "for the previously-ac13