Volume 9, Issue 9, page 5
Man Traced as a Dual Creation
Spiritual Being's Curiosity Trapped Him, Says
Writer, and Asks: "Where'sAll That Water?"
S THERE any truth to the Biblical tale
of the fruit of life, original sin,
the Garden of Eden? If the theory
of evolution is the answer, why didn't the lower forms of life disappear from the earth after man, the
supreme product of all this hocuspocus, emerged? Why, for instance,
are there still monkeys inhabiting
the earth? Why haven't they, at
least, evolved in intellect and appearance
within the few thousand years we have been
able to observe them? How is it that petrified figs that grew 70,000 years ago in
what is now Montana are exactly the same
size end identical to fresh figs growing
in California today? .
Perhaps we had better take another look at
the Bible. Therein might be some clues to creation.
According to "the Good Book", there was, in
the beginning, water, water everywhere, and the
spirit of God floated upon the face of the
waters. After dividing the waters from the waters, God created the earth, then the sky, and
placed in the firmament lights that were to be
for signs of the seasons, etc. Are the lights
that we see up there (sun, moon, stars) real ,
or are they, indeed, just reflections of actual
heavenly bodies that may exist beyond the firmament? Do they whirl out beyond space on the
far side of a wall of water that separates
them from oar world? If not, where are the waters the Bible mentions as being located above
the firmament? Conversely, if the bodies we
see out in space are real, and not mere reflections, then the waters must be 'way out
there -- encircling our entire cosmos. Whatever
the answer is, it remains that all life must
have originated from this fluid. (Something
never comes from nothing.)
Obviously, the liquid was already there,
just awaiting the creative touch of God, or
the Supreme Spirit Force, or whatever one
wishes to call it. One verse of Genesis states
that God is more than one individual: "Let us
create man in our image ". Be that as it may,
God means good -- or the forces of good. Where
did these Good Ones originate? Were they a
family of highly-developed spirit entities --
perhaps from beyond the wall of waters that
surround our little cosmos?
The first chapter of the Old Testament gives
us a sort of wholesale version of creation --
vegetation, animals, and human. Then right
after that comes the individualized story of
Adam and Eve. The Garden of Eden was prepared
first, of course. This seems to be an elusive
place, in that no one has definitely found the
locale of the original Garden of Eden? If we
consult the dictionary, we will find that Eden
means Paradise. Where is Paradise? More consulting of dusty tomes will produce the answer
that Paradise is Heaven. So Eden must have been
located in the spirit world, and the Garden
must have been a special place set aside "east
of Eden" for the creation of a species of
spirit entities.
Let us remember that MAN, in a primeval
form, already had been created upon the earth .
So, here we seem to have two distinct races of
man (one race was of heaven, one of the earth).
Back to the Eden story -- according to the Columbia Viking Desk Encyclopedia, in Babylonia,
there was a legend of a holy place with a tree
of life inhabited by a god and goddess. Legends
are the results of truths that have been known
at some distant time or age by different races
and they are often embellished or watered down
so that the people of a particular period can
understand them. When one finds identical legends in several different, isolated, races of
mankind, it becomes obvious that they must have
originated at one central source. If not, then
there must be a memory inherent in man from
the time of creation -- something that keeps
coming to the surface in the form of various
stories such as the Garden of Eden. This seems
to point to the divine origin of all human
Needless to say, the primitive-type earth
man was not devoid of spirit or soul (these
terms are interchangeable to most people). Every
living thing is endowed with the life and mindspark from the creator. However, the men of
earth were bound to the material element. Their
lives in the physical were unusually long in
years, and their sojourn may have been short --
in the spirit plane -- and could have been spent,
in the beginning, in an unconscious state.
However, the men who were created upon the
spirit plane had no need for the physical life;
gross matter was not their natural element.
These were the Sons of God mentioned in the
Bible. A small digression seems in order here:
We apparently have ignored the fact that Adam
was created from "the dust of the earth".
Let's explain it this way -- all the many planes
interpenetrate and encircle the world, each of
a progressively finer vibration. Each plane
has the equivalent of our "dust" -- or matter --
of a finer vibration. Adam was made of the vibratory forces or material of the higher
planes of the earth.
The word "adam" means red. Adam represented
the red race of spirit entities, and is not
meant here as an individual. Eve, the lifegiver, was the means by which the entities
could reproduce themselves. ( After the fall
into matter, Eve was told she would henceforth
bring forth children in pain. How could she
henceforth do a thing she had not done? She
wasn't told she was to assume a new role in
producing children, but that henceforth there
would be difficulty in doing so.) But primarily, Eve was created for Adam as a help-meet,
a companion -- in other words, a soul-mate. Each
Eve (woman) was taken from the same vibratory
substance (rib) as her Adam (man). She was created to complement Adam. Soul mates were creJANUARY-FEBRUARY, 1963 The ABERREE 5