Books (continued); James Norris, Leader in Synergetics, Dies; Plowing Up the Field

practice of psychotherapy, and has done considerable experiments with them* The circuit has proved to be the best means or self-processing the writer has discovered. A continuous body-scan while in the circuit brings up incidents and runs them. Processing seems to go more rapidly when the client is in the relaxation circuit, 'and the best results from group processing seem to come from the use of the circuit, preferably without verbalisation. The writer had a chance to check his use of the Eeman techniques and gain more knowledge of the results recently when he was able to spend soma time with an Englishwoman who was a student of Eeman' s and has used his methods . for a number of years. Consequently, it is now possible to advocate the use of these techniques, though there is much room for experimentation as to the best way they can be combined with the techniques you already know. — Ross Lamoreaux, Phoenix, Ariz.

DIANETICS PERFECTED—An unsigned publication of Human Engineering, Inc., Fairhope, Ala.—In this 27-page booklet, the author or authors have found little to recommend in dianetics— with the possible exception of the Tone Scale and some of the late group processing. And the primary fault with dianetics, the book points out, is illustrated in the five ways Hubbard gives of dealing with a black panther—attack, flee from, avoid, neglect, and succumb. A sixth way—which Hubbard ignored, would be to make friends with the panther.
Dianetics, after Hubbard published his first book on the subject, drew crowds to his Elizabeth offices, but a rapid decline followed. This is blamed on the ignoring of two laws i It is not possible to take on another man's beliefs without also taking on the penalties of those beliefs; and. No man can give to another what he has not first gained for himself.
The failure of Hubbard's many organizations was only evidence that dianetics was a powerful technique for creating powerful human beings—that worked, only too well, the book states. The urge for power and rightness was too much in force to allow ideas of harmony or self-effacing love for others to exist, and the organization's staff and students found themselves, like the founder they followed, having the same legal ana domestic difficulties. As for the goal of "clear"--that was set up without the author having first attained that state for himself, or having much of an idea what a "clear" actually was.
As for the future of Dianetics, or whatever branch the "science" now may be following,- this Fairnope writer sees little hope. He sees Hubbard driving for a "short cut", hy working on the third level, or "consciousness" mind—and as long as the other two minds are Ignored, no semblance of integration is held possible.
Some of the criticism may help provide the answer as to why a "science" with such an auspicious start, has failed to "free the world", or produce as many miracles as has been promised.
"Dianetics Perfected", which sells for $2, is one of several mimeographed publications issued as part of Human Engineering Courses.


Synergetics lost one of its leaders July 28 in the death of James Norris at his Columbus, Ohio, heme of a massive cerebral hemorrhage.
It was in the Norris home that the Columbus Human Study Group met and it was from there that the Synergetics magazine ORANGE was put together. This activity now has been moved to Art Coulter's home in Worthington, Ohio. Jim's widow, Frances, remains on the CHANGE editorial board.

Plowing Up the Field

When we reviewed Richard deMllle's "Children's Imagination Games" last month, we gave L.O. Anderson's address asaSOICS.^Harvey; Los Angeles, instead of 30i S. Harvard HLvd. If those who hadtheir letters returned will send us a bill, we'll send them a new uncancelled 3-cent stamp and our apologies. . .Latest casualty in the newsletter field is one of the old stand-bys—The COMMUNICATOR, which Frances Berglund has discontinued following her move to Richmond, Calif. Others we've seen collapse since starting The ABERR&E include FLITTER, CONCEPTS, the JOURNAL of SCIENTOLOGY, and—we started to say The GHOST, but we finally got another issue, after five months without one. Clem Johnson, who made The GHOST famous back in the days when he could say what he thought needed saying, says The GHOST in the future will be in the editorial hands of Mrs. Mary Luhec. We wish her "Luck"... C.F. Evans, who measures words by the yard, offered us a new one this month, but we can see no reason for adding an extra four pages to show we can spell one meaningless medical term...
When the hotel you're paying $l-an-hour for also wants $l-an-hour for chair space on the beach, Arizona looks much better than At-