Volume 2, Issue 5, page 14
lantic City, Phil Friedman Green. Bob who once pushed SPIRIT only. That's how we
gips from the Boardwalk,.. a rather wicked "joy-stick" started oiit, too, and now
en Le_g_.l.r and Carroll Hen- himself before he took IT look at us...You'd think 13
mek celebrated their first Dianetics and later gradua- advanced students of a conwedding anniversary with a ted to chasing trucks, found glomerate of mystic sciensecond ceremony in Las Veg- balm in some reminiscent ces, when brought together
as, Nev., Pearl remade her "hangar flying" with Green, in one social group, would
wedding gown. So great was but it was Mss Evans, wear- at least try and solve the
the acclaim that this inno- ing her "Annie Oakley" cos- secrets of the universe. It
cent event may have involved tume", who wowed the Arentz was in the home of Paul and
her in the gown-making bus- pdren...An E-meter is a Jackie Ishmael, Midwest
iness, commercially...It's "must" in running the new City. The distracting inback to Brooklyn College for techniques, according to fluences (kids) had been
Herb Druker as soon as he CERTAINTY, the British pub- sent to a movie. Present
can get a release from the lication of the HASI. In were Mr. and Mrs. ~~ GardAir Force. He's working for the U.S., you can lose your Der+ Austin, ' Tex., arise
his MA degree -- and the "A" certificate for using one. and Clara Campbell, $o