Four Rules of Miracle Healing (continued)
structure it is driven through. Ifthere is any kind of agreement here, it inheres in that which I herein term Divine Mind, and is expressed in laws, not in a system of mental or psychic imagery in human conscious awareness.
Yet even here creative image therapy is a potent force in REPAIRING damages wrought by poisons, by viruses, and by the sword o
There is, if viewed with the above clarification,, positively NO LIMIT to the possibilities deep within mental psychic energy image patterns. This power can be and is applied in the healing arts, in the maintenance of health, in the eradication of constitutional disease, including all of the "incurable" types, such as cancer, arteriosclerosis, and arthritis. It can be made to work in the creation of any good and desirable thing or project whatsoever. There are perhaps only about four major secondary miles to be observed in the application of positive mental imagery techniques s
Firstly, it is absolutely necessary first of all to bring up into conscious awareness all negative systems of mental imagery operating deep within the subconscious areas of the personality and to discharge the electronuclear potentials on such negative image systems by the use of Freudian types of therapeutic analysis, such as those dealt with in the Manual, "Electropsychometry".
If this is not done, then the patient is thrown into a disastrous psychic conflict. No matter how grimly 5 how desperately he resolves to "think positively", to create and duplicate constructive mental imagery, he fails because his negative systems of deep undischarged fears, anxieties, and the like keep sneaking in.
Secondly, it is necessary consciously and purposefully to create SPECIFIC mental images of the desired event as now ACTUALLY ARRIVING OR AS HAVING ARRIVED. The images must be precise, sharply in focus, to the point—and not vague wishes.
Thirdly, it is necessary persistently and dynamically to DUPLICATE the selected constructed systems of mental images. By duplicating is meant to recreate them, to repeat them, over and over. The act of duplicating constructive mental images is carried on at any and all idle moments—while riding, waiting for a bus, resting before or after meals,
at any time when one probably would be indulging in self-pity, worry, or in some other negative anxiety-generating type of image patterns.
Fourthly, it is necessary to take any and all feasible concurrent physical action directed toward bringing the body and the environment into conformity with the relationships set up in the image patterns. What this means is, Don’t go to pot sitting around just lazily creating mental image systems—not even positive ones. Create the images, duplicate them, and DO SOMETHING ABOUT THEM! Use every available curative or constructive physical thing or agency that can be turned to use I
One fact to be emphasized about creative image therapy is that while it certainly has at sone times worked rather sudden "miracles", this is not commonly the way it does work. Instead, it functions generally in a manner that might be described as a "delayed reaction". That is to say, you image up, you duplicate, you do physical things, you work and work and duplicate and image up again and work —and nothing seems to change, the whole program seems to be disappointing. You keep on doggedly, then gradually you forget about the great weight of the specific problem, and suddenly one day you become aware that the event you have worked for so hard has* ACTUALLY OCCURRED!
In applying creative mental-imagery, an equally potent factor is/the INTENSITY of the image. Mental images are not, and apparently cannot be sustained in a steady continuous picture, such as that presented by, let us say, a beer ad on a billboard. The mental image is, instead, a rapid series of recurrent flickers.
It is urgently necessary that the patient, or the general reader, be made clearly aware that mental images can be created only in this flicker-like mode. Otherwise, there is apt to be a lot of needless frustration over the notion that one can't achieve clear mental images.
Nonetheless, there is a variable degree of intensity of created mental images—and this degree of intensity INCREASES WITH PERSISTENT, CONSCIOUS PRACTICE. There is no mathematically accurate way, as yet, to measure the intensity of positive mental images, but relatively speaking, the more persistently they are duplicated the sharper, clearer, and more intense they become.
ED. NOTE - This is ths second abridgment of chapters from Mr. Mathison’s new book, Creative Inage Therapy, obtainable from the author at $2. Other chapters will bo printed in future issues of The ABERREE.)