Volume 10, Issue 9, page 16
1964. 288 Pages, soft cover.
$1.50. Pub.by Llewellyn Pubs.,
100 S. Wabasha, St. Paul, Minn.
Wishful thinking makes the
job of predicting a pretty
thankless task , says the editor of the 1964 Moon Sign Book.
The prediction that is right
gets little attention at the
time it is fulfilled -- and the
ones who are always wrong seem
to get as much credit as those
who are right.
However, since 1964 is an
election year, and the political picture has been somewhat
smeared by an assassin 's brush,
probably a greater number than
usual will be looking to the
seers for possible answers.
And there are some in the Moon
Sign Book -- a lot of them -- national, international, and individual. Sold by newsstands,
seed companies, book dealers,
and garden stores, the Moon
Sign Book advises readers on
best times for their personal
and business affairs -- from buying and selling to courting
and getting married -- as well
as when fishing's best and what
days to get rid of weeds and
warts and moles.
Nationally, there is the
prediction that much depends
upon Robert Kennedy's activities, which is interesting in
view of the fact the book was
written months before Brother
John was murdered. The suggestion is made to watch 1964 as
it will be a"Big Year" -- which
we promise to do, day by day,
month by month, sign by sign --
and subscriber by subscriber.
-- A.B.
Arthur J. Burks. Pub.by CSA,
Lakemont, Ga.
We suppose the O'Neals -- Ed
and Lois -- are more proud' of
the physical book, "Listen to
the Mountain", than they are
concerned with what it says --
since this is their first published book. Becoming .a publisher is quite a project, and
the O'Neals have done a creditable job in launching themselves. There are some innovations -- such as printing on one
side of the paper only and using ragged margins on both edges -- that will take some get
ting used to by us conformists,
but it may be that the O'Neals
are forerunners of a trend toward a breakaway from old formats as "cold type" begins to
t a k e a greater and greater
role in publishing.
But we haven't said much
about the story, which usually
is the reason for publishing
books. It's somewhat of a fantasy, in which the "Littles"
of Mount Shasta (the gnomes,
fairies, leprechauns, etc.),
discuss with the "Lacges" (the
Indians who live just below
timber-line) the invasion by
Oncomer (civilized man), who
has five senses but has a
rather distorted use, or unuse, of these senses -- of which
the Littles are super-aware.
It's a tragedy that man invades such beauty spots as
Mount Shasta, with limited
awareness of the beauties surrounding him, and interested
only in climbing higher than
anyone else ever has climbed,
and getting more from the timber and flowers which he systematically destroys. Man has
been told for centuries that
he's pretty much of a misfit
as far as nature is concerned,
but he takes all this criticism in stride -- destroying as
he struts. And it all may be
for a subconscious purpose -- the
removal of competition for a
replacement of nature's fragile
beauty (which isn't improved
any by fires and litter), with
a new landscape of radioactive ,
but drouth-resistant, trees,
arches, etc., made of concrete, iron, aluminum, and
stone. -- Trah Nika
* * *
by Louis Conde (Lahissa),
155 pp., $2.50. Com