Volume 8, Issue 5, page 4




IVING is breathing. we can't die as long as we can breathe-and we
stop living when we stop breathing. The leading
function Of the body is breathing. We can live for weeks without
eating. and for days without drinking, but when
we stop breathing for a few minutes, we stop living.

He who wants to live long should search for data on air and
breathing. He'll find piles of books on other subjects
relating to health and life, but little on breathing and the
Breath of Life.

Why is this field so sadly neglected by medical art, by doctors,
and by all authors who write on health and life?
First, ignorance ; second, the claim of medical art that man
lives on what he eats; and third, no one has yet found a
way to make money on a i r and breathing.

This is a surprise for those who believe in doctors and crave
good health and long life. The surprise is heightened
by learning that the average life span of medicos is under 46
years, while health officers drop dead in their 30's and

This discouraging condition we found 50 years ago when we set out
to learn how to live healthy and long. And
so, we set out almost empty-handed to learn something about
breathing and the Breath of Life.

The first valuable hint came when we found this:"If we maintain
our blood in normal condition and circulation,
sickness would be al - most impossible. The blood is the life of
the flesh. We are what we are by the influence of
the blood flowing thru the body." (Bernarr maefa:dden, in
Vitality Supreme, 1910).

Another big surprise came when we fou~d blood is made of gas. The
gases of the air constitute the total
composition of the blood. Try to f ind that one in the great
medical tomes. No medical author has gone that far yet .

We know water is the product of the uniting of hydrogen and
oxygen gases. When we drink water, we drink
gases in fluid form. The world itself is the product of the union
of gases * Everything known can be transformed to
gas by beat. There is the source and origin of all things.

We have heard of fire damp, ignis fatuu~, and will-o'-the-wisp.
That fiery element 1-s the living gas in what we-
eat. That living gas is all the body uses of what we eat. The
blood is made of that living gas.

Here is the first lesson in dietetics. Doctors talk learnedly and
foolishly about protein, carbohydratest etc.,
ignoring the fact that the ox, elephant, horse, and moose live in
good health all their days on grass and green leaves,
with no worry about protein and carbohydrates.

The next lesson in dietetics is not to heat food and drive out of
it the Precious, volatile gases which the body
uses in its laboratory to make its blood and the products it
needs, including protein, carbohydrates, etc.

. Remember. creation never uses second-hand

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OGER BACON was bom in England in 1214. Like many other great men
of his time, he became a monk and
devoted his life to learning. He invented gunpowder and
discovered the optical principlIes of the telescope, the
microscope, and the solar furnace. He anticipated the invention
of steamships and the reform of the Julian calendar.

These and many other discoveries aroused the jealousies of his
superiors and Bacon was confined to a monastic
prison. The books he wrote were burned and the little gadgets he
so patiently designed were destroyed. However.
Pope Clement IV used his influence to get Bacon out of prison and
he encouraged him to continue his research.

Bacon's superiors refused to give him ink and paper, but he
managed to borrow money for writing supplies and
produced a gigantic encyclopedia of learning, which he had to
write secretly at night by the light of a candle.

After the death of Clement IV. Bacon was again imprisoned, and
the reading of his books was forbidden by
Church decree. He spent a total of 20 years in prison. When his
health failed, he was released and died as a broken
man in Oxford, England, in 1294.

material in its building work. The protein in the food we eat
never becomes the protein of our body. That protein
has served its purpose, is a used product, and is never again
used by creation in its constructive work.

The 1 iving gas in what we eat is all the body uses. The rest is
useless waste, and is cast off by the body as
feces. Most of what we eat goes down the sewer.

As gases are all the body uses in making blood and building
flesh, consider the condition of the blood and flesh
that are made of the poisonous gases that saturate the air of
this modern civilization, where health is the exception
instead of the rule. If a chemist analyzed the air we breathe and
gave us h is report, we would be astounded to learn
the great amount of poison the body must endure to live in our
poisonous environment.

This subject is so broad and vital, it would take a large book to
discuss it adequately. But we've said enough 'to
make thoughtful persons be more careful about the quality of the
air they breathe, thecondition of the air in their
homes, and especially in their bedrooms, where the lack of
activity during the night allows the air to stagnate and
grow extra foul.

That's another reason why people die in their sleep. The polluted
air in their bedroom paralyzes the breathing
center in the brain, and they just stop breathing - and are gone.

Doctors don't understand, and call it heart attack ", j ust as
they bl ame our i 11 s to germs and viruses. Will they
ever learn?

Stagnant air gets foul, like water in a stagnant pool. Keep the
air in circulation in the home and bedrooms. Use
electric fans for that purpose. Fewer would die in their sleep if
they had an electric fan in operation in their bedroom.