Volume 6, Issue 9, page 16
sesses that God has endowed us with Scientology. However, he women of integrity and high
with , to carry out all every- seems to have dealt almost ex- repute hold to strange notions
day responsibilities of every- elusively with pre-clears in like these?' (This man is not
day life." -- Dick Fojut (Former the tone level below 2.0 and the least original ; what did
HCA, HAA, Wash. staff artist, probably even below 1.1. In we ask us just yesterday?)
Chicago auditor-instructor, these levels the individual Vern McCormick (Page 141: 'The
and propaganda purveyor of certainly gets into a sugges- difficulty...is fairly obvious
Scientology), Tucson, Ariz. tible state and responds more to one who is not prejudiced.)