Volume 5, Issue 7, page 9
Part I
3 N PRESENTING the regenerative Divine
field of knowledge, we are confronted
with the past productions of man where
he erroneously supposed he had solved
Life's mystery. These productions, these
comparatively minor fields of action, have
aspects of knowledge which produce certain results, and these, in many cases, have conduced
to the gaining of millions of advocates.
These minor fields have their good points,
just like the candle light, the oil light, the
gas light have their good points and benefits.
One need not reject what has been or is in expression in order to accept what can be created and set into action. Thomas Edison, in all
probability, used an oil or gas light in his
labors to produce the electric light.
ghat must be observed very clearly, however, is that the Divine field of knowledge is
entirely different from the known fields of
vibratory action, just as different as electric power is from that of the horse and the
steam engine.
Until the principles and action of the Divine regenerative life quality expression are
comprehended, one is very liable to think them
the same as those that constitute the lesser
generative field¢. There is an aspect of similarity; the Divine is still a field of knowledge, even tho of a far greater order. This is
comparative to electricity still beings law
of light and energy, tho ofa far higher nature
than the ones of less efficiency.
we wno nave looked at electricity with the
functioning of comparative awareness see in it
an outstanding superiority; it has so many
applications and is an adjunct to many other
powers and processes. So it is with the scientific regenerative, self-sustaining expression of life force. It is a step far in advance,
revealing the generative vibratory life waves
of man being in lesser fields, so that what
^an has exalted upon the pedestals of high
wisdom seem to drop down into insignificance.
It is the nature of man to prefer what he
already knows or that which is similar to what
he thinks he knows to something unfamiliar and
perhaps upsetting. We do not care to be uprooted out of our grave-like ruts of seeming
security, or be shocked with a request to let
go of a highly prized esoteric education. In
rough analogy. it is the same basic reason
that applies to why many held to the sailing
ship, o' .sing the steamship introduction; held
to the rae and buggy, sternly rejecting the
insane offspring of an idiot, the automobile.
This human trait slows man. up in understanding and reaping the benefit of any new law
discovered. This human trait makes man reluctant to forsake his narrow beliefs for the
more considerate beliefs, his lesser knowledge
for the greater and more beneficial knowledge.
His nature is to strain blindly in retaining
the old, refusing until he has no further recourse and is forced to accept the liberating
advantages of the new.
In every advance in knowledge that man has
made, he has lessened his superstition -- his
belief -- and increased his scientific understanding. ^e admit whatever benefits the beliefs
and lesser fields of knowledge have been, but
we must remind the searcher who has the courage to enter the black unknown that old mental
attachments are to be left behind or there
will be no entering the new and richer land of
Light is light. A greater volume includes
and adds to all the degrees of the lesser
lights. A new understanding advances and adds
unto all lesser concepts. Christ said, "I do
not come to take away, but to add unto." All
advance is, in a sense, an adding unto. This
does not mean the knowledge of the new law
embodies the same principles and power actions
expressed in the old. The law of electricity
has a system of action entirely its own; it
does not in any way include the laws of gas,
steam, or oil. It is the beneficial expression
that is added unto, the field of light and
energy that is increased.
In entering a new field of the most vital
kind of knowledge, a knowledge concerning the
increase of man's expression of LIFE, new understandings of entirely new principles must
be acquired. This means that old opinions,
beliefs, principles of other laws, other Bible
interpretations, concepts, or what-have-you,
must be abandoned.
The features of other fields of man's consciousness must go to ^ake room for new facts
true to a new scientific law. If a man knows
how to paint a house and wishes to learn how
to build a bridge, he does not lose his knowledge of painting while acquiring the new
knowledge, but he must put the old aside while
learning the new.
Yan, in seeking to increase his life or
spirit, has produced religions, cults, philosophies, Deism, agnosticism. mysticisms,
new thought, advanced thought, mental sciences, thought patterns, techniques, group magnetic pooling for projection and reception.
modes, methods, and gadgets. The last 50 years
have seen increased energetic interest placed
in both ancient and modern schools of troth.
Beliefs of all kinds -- occultism, obscure mystic teachings, astrologies, psychology, psychiatry, etheric, spiritual.paychit- hypnotic
explorations, about everything conceivable
with the mind -- have received their peak of
consideration and worship.
All the fields of belief and mental .Jratowl
edge have been covered most minutely for evert
vestige of truth that might be comtainmd -- and
found inadequate. A far greater truth had to
be contacted and expressed. The secret oft hp
and the Bible had not AEALLT been solved 1
There was nothing that would actually and scientifically fulfill the promises of Christ or
the highest desires of man.
Of course, every branch of thought claimed
to do this, and alibied its failure in manifesting present-day results -- in either superstitious vein or in a finely coached and very
convincing intellectual manner -- but still, the
acid test of the most conscientious and keenly
aware searchers proved a conspicuous lack.
But what have these failures -- if such they
may be termed -- done to advance us on the path
of positive knowledge? More of this will be
taken up in future installments. Because the
study of Yan, and Life is one of the most
fascinating studies in which man ever has, or
probably ever will, engage.
(To be continued next month)