Volume 4, Issue 8, page 8
have just received the correct one?" His
"inner", testing the question and answer,
will pass judgment on the answer, and man
will know. More and more frequently what
he "knows" proves itself to be true. This
rule should apply in everything man questions in his seeking for the endless
answers : How does it seem tome? I f it
doesn't seem right, "feel" right, "taste"
right, man will surely reject. A creature
of the Creator, his free will guarantees
him freedom of thought and action.
Keep the record, taking note as events
transpire, of its accuracy. And be not
disappointed if the first answers do not
prove out wholly. If the future were.easily and perfectly read, it would be obvious that man does not have free will, but
that he is a kind of machine, a robot,
with his future all laid out for him. Does
God Himself then know the future? He
knows His own, for He has planned it from
eternity, but He has left man to decide
all things for himself. If He were to
know, then man would not be a free-will
creature, for what God knows, is; for God
is Law. Patience, patience, and shortly
answers will deeply satisfy.
2. Another manner of acquiring. Man,
on the borderland of sleep, carries his
questions with him, asking that they be
answered in whatever "school" of the
Father he attends while absent from his
dense body, and thus going about h i s
Father's business; while his vital body
repairs the cells he has that day depleted in the Father's work in the outer
world of man. lb himself man may say:
"Unto Thy Hands, Father, I give all my
body and spirit, that I may learn during
sleep those things which I wish to know,
if it be Thy will that I know them at
this time." Then man holds his thoughts
as closely into sleep as he can, and on
his sleeping "slates" of mind, body,
soul, spirit, the Father of His Messenger
writes the answers. Man should not expect,
however, to remember all of these outwardly upon waking. It should be enough
for him to know that the Father answers,
writes, speaks across his "slates ". Having "slept upon the idea", man suddenly
realizes that, apparently by himself, he
has "got onto" the answers. The Father
has brought it thru to man , as man's own .
Man has been very wise in his judgments
when he has said, in all man's languages,
"I shall sleep on it tonight and let you
know tomorrow." Thus the Father, thru His
Messengers, speaks and guides. One looks
not for "phenomena", save as one knows
that all is phenomena, even the looking
for it; one simply takes for granted,
knowing. It is natural, normal, practical
to the extent that no man, hearing of it,
will say that "he's one of those people
who hear voices! " All men hear voices,
waking and/or sleeping, but not all men
know it, and not all men who know, admit,
possibly because they prefer the judg8
ments of men to the judgments of God; the
latter, after all, are often easier. Come
forth from sleep assured that questions
have been answered, and that patiently
awaiting them, in accordance with the law
in such matters, will bring them forth
into awareness.
3. A third manner of acquiring, requiring man to "go alone into the chamber". Close the eyes, or keep them open
if you still can shut out the world.
Close the ears also. Close all channels
of sense perception used in the physical
world as tightly as you find you can
(you can close them more tightly with
each attempt, persevering) and then picture a blackboard in your mind. See it
clearly. Then say to your guidance: "This
is my question", and speak it, aloud or
within yourself. Then watch the blackboard, or the screen, or whatever blank
clear surface you have chosen, and lo,
the Finger will write, or the Breath will
shape the words of the answer, and you
may capture it by watching, with patience .
This is a technique used by many. It can
be done anywhere, with practice, for it
is a time-saver. However, when the answer
is erased, man must record it, or make
sure he remembers it as it was given, so
that in his proper use of it, he will not
go astray, or "color" the answer until it
has lost its first meaning.
4. A third manner relies on inner
hearing rather than inner sight. Man pictures the Christ Spirit as enthroned behind the heart. Man addresses himself to
that Spirit, and listens for the answer,
bearing this in mind : The question and
answer are mental - spiritual, and he
should not expect to hear with the ears
of his physical body, but with the ears
of his "inner". How is this done? By
deliberately increasing awareness. Man
becomes "aware" of things invisible but
present. Man becomes "aware" of great beings whom he cannot see, knowing they are
all around him, all the days and nights
of his life. He should know also that the
Christ Spirit he sees enthroned behind
his own heart is also his own, given him
in the beginning that he may have identity thru eternity, that he may forever
be the "I" by which he knows himself. It
is to this Christ Spirit that he addresses himself, and this Christ Spirit, in
perpetual contact with the Father, answers all his questions. They may not instantly be answered, but answered they
must be, for that is the Divine Law. The
task of greatest difficulty is in being
aware of the answers, because man has for
so many eons turned away from his Father,
with all his senses closed to the Law.
5. There are other ways, surprising
ways, which lead eventually to the brotherhood of man. Any man may, wittingly or
unwittingly, provide answers to your
questions. Did not Jesus say that out of
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