Volume 2, Issue 10, page 19
("Dear Editor", continued from page 18)
is this: To the degree I have been
able to understand and cooperate
harmoniously and to accept the appropriateness of the beingness of
that which is around me, to that
degree my happiness and effectiveness and my enjoyment and my creativeness and, yes, my spirituality,
have been increased. And this is
the ostensive demonstration which,
rather than more rationed discourse, is the proof of the validity of the investigation and the
postulate arising therefrom.
"Whatever Man and that element
of Man we call the soul may be, the
fact is that Man is currently occupying and operating in this here-now, MEST-and-theta, bread-and-butter continuum. And, as our therapists have so insistently impressed
on us, here-now is the only place
we can function. 'Come up to present time' (or down to it!) carries
the inescapable implication of
functioning in and accepting the
stage-setting of present time. So
the trees are cardboard and the
rocks are plaster? So what? THIS is
where the play is being staged, and
the most effective actor will accept the setting as real and get at
his job of creating an appropriate
role. Another time, another universe, maybe another setting - but
that's THEN. This is NOW! -- Sadah
Higgins, Englewood, Colo.
From the kind of articles you
frequently print, I'd about concluded that you personally were also
off in the wild blue yonder. However, 'Invalidation of Body Is a
Big Business' sounds so eminently
rational that I herewith extend my
apologies. (Unless your publisher
wrote that one.)" -- Jim Schmitz, Altadena, Calif.
"My trial went along the lines
we hoped it would take...
"After he (the judge) said I was
not guilty I broke down and cried a
few tears. I had no idea how tremendous a strain and stress I was
under until after it was over...
"We went into this deal without
any back-log of cash. If it hadn't
been for a large number of real
friends, I would have had to languish in the bastile until trial
was set. This thing has cost us in
the neighborhood of $4,000;
we get back from the cash bail posted. But the rest will have to be
paid back, as, if, and when...
"I thought I had told you how
things were, but we'll go back to
the beginning of the mess. I was
arrested for possession of the
plant genus Lophophora. This is peyote to me and others. In the state
of California this is classified as
a narcotic and as such is proscribed
by law...So I spent 24 hours in the
local bastile. This was not a very
pleasant experience, but out of it
I learned a great deal. My friends
got together $2500 bail and some
loaned me enough so that I could
retain a lawyer.
"My first appearance in court
was of such a nature that no testimony for the defense was necessary.
The judge decided that enough evidence was presented to prove possession and... recessed the hearing
until Dec. 13. At this time he disallowed a move for dismissal...and
set a date for trial on Jan. 20...
"I have used peyote a number of
times on myself purely in an experimental way to see if it is possible to engender a bit of insight
into my own aberrations and habit
patterns. I would say that the experiments were quite successful. At
least I saw a number of problems
that needed quite a bit of high-
powered work. They got the work and
some very difficult patterns were
changed somewhat. Others have asked
me if they could take it and I
agreed to help then through it.
They all realized that it was of an
experimental nature and that the
results could not be forecast. Many
of them got a lot of help. Some got
a little help. No one that I know
got no help. I would say that taken
at the proper time peyote can be of
considerable help in advancing
one's integration.
"Peyote is not a cure-all nor
does it do anything for you. It enables you to look at things that
are troubling you, if you have the
courage to so do... Sometimes it is
rather frightening and quite rough.
Some have taken it two or three
times but none are really anxious
to repeat the experiment or experience. Each time becomes more difficult than the preceding one. " -- Russ
Haggard, Los Angeles, Calif.
"Have enjoyed each issue of your
publication. But the last one (new
size and all!) was the best yet.
Congratulations! " -- Eloine Borreson,
Minneapolis, Minn.
"Your new Aberree is terrific!
And your editorial decrying invalidation of the body is magnificent.
Reads like a prelude to a piece,
'Sex', we may let you have soon.
"But, about the T-8 men in 'Plowing
Up the Field', obviously I withheld too much data. Before the suit
was heard, I was seriously conic
ering a new offer from Fleet; it
was then that the lab was visited
by the T-8 patrol -- not to accept an
'assignment' but to give a curt order: 'Get rid of Fleet! You were
not given the data on this instrument to leave it in such hands as
those of Fleet!'
"So the trial opened; and it developed that Fleet had brought with
him from Texas at great expense by
plane his entire Concept Therapy
crew of teachers and board members.
Also Fleet had a whole battery of
attorneys. But the star lawyer of
this battery oddly enough had fallen off the roof of his residence,
the very day before, trying to fix
a television antenna and came limping into court with broken arm in
a big white sling, obviously feeling
very glum, while his cohorts
di not look much better. The situation was weird and incredible;
even the court attaches were aware
of this...
"In accordance with T-8 instructions I came alone, without a single supporting witness, and with
one young college-graduate rookie
lawyer. After the first 30 minutes,
I knew I had absolutely nothing to
worry about." -- Volney Mathison, Los
Angeles, Calif.
"I liked the new format and I
thought the articles were excellent. Some of your contributors
are doing writing of better than
professional quality, but they do
not seem to know it.
"I am glad to see you printing
Articles on the curative effect of
the human hands. I've been working
a little along these lines for the
past 18 months and, as I think I
told you, I have discovered a method of generating what is apparently
life force and transmitting it to
another person via my hands.
stuff. I've finally found somebo
else interested in this, and could
do it, and we are exploring further.
My guess at present is that we will
come out with something akin to
mesmerism, in which healing or integrative mockups are transmitted
to the pre-clear on a flow of vital
"Out here on the desert a few of
us are exploring a lot of ideas...
The major approaches are those of
Alexander and Eeman. I have a hiftkn
regard for Alexander's ideas; 3n
fact, I regard Creative Realism as
the most important book yet written
in this field. However, persistence
is necessary to master his techniques, and a teacher would be
helpful. Several of us have made
sane progress in learning his first
auto-hypnosis exercise. I don't
know how much longer will be needed
to master the whole set of exercises; months certainly, years maybe,
but however long it takes, that is
the length of time I an willing to
devote to it." -- Bob Williams, Phoenix, Ariz.
"Your 'Invalidation of Body is a
BIG Business' gets my amen! And I
bet you'll hear from the rest of
the world of Infinites?" -- Dr. H. M.
Clunk, Reading, Penn.
"I wish to commend Mr. Burks for
calling attention to the problem of
the mentally retarded children.
Also, the Jan. -Feb. issue of the
Aberree contains a letter by Vic
Torrey of Phoenix which I would
like to comment upon. Vic says that
I have missed the point in my 'attempt to validate Scientology', referring to my article about the
'Man Who Woke Up' in the Dec. issue.
There are three aspects I would
discuss. First, Vic is mistaken if
he thinks I attempted to validate
Scientology. I have investigated
Scientology sufficiently to decide
that it is not for me, and I have
long ago deposited it in my mental
refuse bin.
"As for missing the point of
Buddhism, I would ask Vic what THE
point is, and if there is only one
THE point? Semantically, I can confidently assert that I do not know
all about Buddhism - or anything
else, having merely dipped into
several commentaries about it. I as
most impressed with the tremendous
variety of views offered therein,
and with the vitality of the movement as a whole. At the same time,
I keep in mind Carl Jung's warning
that Buddhism is foreign to Western
thought and would be hazardous to
pursue in the Eastern fashion. I
will affirm that my article is consistent with my basic premise concerning my life, as of that date
(and the present), but may be subject to change, given sufficient
"My third point concerns the nature of those hazards Jung speaks
of. A firm foundation in Jungian
psychology would be necessary to
appreciate those hazards., As a
start, I would recommend a new book,
'The 'sychology of Jung and Its Social Meaning' by Dr. Ira Progoff.
Julian Press, price $5. Additional
sidelights can be found in a pocket
book, Lectures on Psychoanalytical
Psychiatry' by A. A. Brill, M. D.
Brill is the leading, and first,
Freudian, having worked with Freud
in 1907. His explanation of Freud,