Volume 2, Issue 10, page 14
(continued from p. 13)
achieve an understanding of its workings we
would need tools with which to expose the different parts for our examination and study.
Likewise, if we were going to learn to adjust
it, we would need still other tools and an
understanding of their use. And so it is in
our quest for self-understanding. We need
tools and an understanding of their use.
Of course, the idea of tools implies work.
Actually the only way we ever accomplish anything in this physical universe is through the
application of time, effort, and thought. And
the rule still holds for what we are now doing,
I think. If we are going to achieve a measure
of self-understanding it will be through the
application of our time, effort, and thought.
In this work, as in any other, good tools and
accurate measuring devices will help us to accomplish our task more easily and effectively.
Actually we already possess a good kit of
tools although most of us are not sharply
aware of them nor are we yet skilled in their
use. They are mental, emotional, and physical
tools. When we become aware of them and use
them with understanding we definitely experience the sensation of happiness. Conversely,
when we use them improperly and without understanding we experience the sensation of unhappiness. I make this statement from my own
personal experience.
At this point I would like to describe
briefly a couple of our most useful tools.
The first is the CEDA sequence. It is
pronounced "saida" and is an acrostic made up
of the first letters of the following sequence
of functions: Consider-Evaluate-Decide-Act.
In any situation where we are faced with
a problem we may use this tool to achieve a
solution. First we consider the situation as
a whole. We consider what the problem seems
to be. We consider what the problem might be
other than what it seems to be. Through such
an application of consideration we attempt to
accurately describe the problem as it really
is. Next we propose solutions to the problem;
not just one but as many different solutions
as we can think of. Then we evaluate one solution against the other, taking into consideration both the immediate effect and long
range effect of each solution. Having done
this as thoroughly as possible, we decide on
one solution as being the best for that particular situation. Having once made the decision, we put it into action, thus completing
the cycle of Consider-Evaluate-Decide-Act.
The second is Creative Imagination. We
all know more or less what creative imagination
is but few of us understand the tool well
enough to use it to near its power and effectiveness.
For example, one of the very effective
uses for this tool is in proposing alternate
solutions to any given situation or problem.
Usually an individual will respond to a situation or solve a problem by applying, without
consideration or evaluation, a response or
solution which was used successfully in some
previous similar situation or problem. He may
select the best solution in this way but since
no two situations are exactly alike, this is
highly improbable. If, through the use of his
creative imagination he creates a number of
new possible solutions for evaluation, he is
more likely to arrive at the best possible
In order to help you become more familiar
with these two tools, I am going to suggest an
exercise. From now on, as you move from situation to situation, focus your attention on
the CEDA sequence. Do this deliberately, step
by step. Arid before you start to evaluate the
best solution to the problem or situation, use
your creative imagination to propose as many
alternate solutions as you possibly can, no
matter how far-fetched they may seem. Then
become aware of deliberately evaluating the
solutions; of deciding on one of them; of putting the one you chose into action.
If this whole procedure seems awkward and
slow at first, do not despair. It always takes
time to learn something new, and it always
takes effort, and it always takes thought. If
you will persistently apply your time, effort,
and thought to the use of the CEDA sequence,
you will be surprised how rapidly you will develop speed and skill in its use.
"Love Creates, Hate Destroys" (Continued from P. 12)
creative image patterns
probably must do most of the actual healing --
yet a strong, positive healer who uses creative
action, one who creates and duplicates his own
image patterns of the healed patient, thereby
to some degree HEALS THAT PATIENT. Whether
there occurs an actual radiation of some
super-physical type of energy from healer to
patient is at this time not within the range
of scientific demonstration -- b u t flatly,
bluntly the writer has personally seen it
occur. And after having finally been convinced
personal observation that it CAN be done,
1g e writer has done it, too. Yet, in honesty,
it must be said that the confident, inspiring
demeanor of the therapist using creative image
action causes the patient himself to create
stronger, more powerfully curative and healing
image patterns of his own, whereby he heals
A negative humanity-hating therapist is
almost an impossibility, a contradiction of
opposing motional forces. The hater may have
the diploma and the label of a healer, but if
so, he is a contemptible fraud -- he can heal NO
ONE. The positive humanity-loving therapist
can, to some degree, aid ANY ONE.
This intention, this purpose, is the
first, the major requisite, of the true healer.
The second requisite is adequate training, skill, and intelligence wherewith to do
the job.
The third: Confidence in and certainty
about his chosen methods and his capacity to
apply them. Without poise, confidence, certainty in the healer, there is but little healing -- and the therapist who cannot develop
these attributes should devote himself to some
other activity.
And finally a subordinate principle of
creative action is that of the delayed return
of a reward to the originative actor, to the
doer of the beneficent creative act. The
sincere healer gives his best, whether or not
he receives a great immediate reward. The most
generous therapist must, of course, be aware
of and firm with the patient of the I-want-my-
mamma type discussed previously. This type
of patient, if acceded to unchecked, will,
almost vampire-like, utterly drain out all the
energy of the strongest therapist.
But the bonafide healer does not seek
covertly to hypnotize and rob the poor -- or
anyone else. He charges each somewhat according to his means. And it is an observed fact
that services which the healer renders that
produce the least immediate financial return
sometimes in an unforeseen fashion bring about
the greatest, the richest rewards of all.
(ED. NOTE -- This is the final chapter in the series of
abridgments from Mr. Mathison's new book, "Creative Image
Therapy", obtainable fran the author at $2.)