Volume 11, Issue 6, page 16

future leading to a somewhat
more favorable outcome to the
male lead. Considering who
mentioned it, I would prefer
not to take large bets it's imaginary. While the Constitutional guarantee of freedom of
religion doesn't, I believe,
legitimize human sacrifice,
thuggee, ritual prostitution,
anthropophagy, and several
other quite legitimate and
traditional religious observances, these practices could
probably be done illegally...
Readers sometimes come up with
some rather curious problems,
what? (ED. NOTE -- Yes!)
"Widely interesting your
travelog this time (September
issue). Only thing I noticed,
tho, is how restricted in activities all these people admit
themselves to be. You've got
mediums, soothsayers, healers,
parapsychophysicists, re 1 i gionists, and philosophers (andists). What ho? No psychokineticists, radiethesists, parameteorologists, exorcists, and
magicians? Or oracle readers?
Maybe it's a geographical distribution. There are, on the
Gulf coast, what seems plenty
of combinational sorts who are,
however, mostly not economically professional in the various spookulative arts and
technologies. I mean this obscure ilk do have economic
effects but don't charge direct
fees. As I was telling a respondent lately, the big objection to magic (sorcery,
etc.) is anarchy/nonconformity.
What authorities can't stop or
even prove is going on -- and
which furthermore is theoretically impossible according to
the official views -- is expectably unsettling to contemplate. But what theoretically
doesn't exist can't possibly
be illegal, can it?" -- Fred
Band, 2718 Eagle, Houston,Tex.