Volume 10, Issue 7, page 8

in areas where Jasbu-I is widely used, one,
possibly two, will survive. Why can't partakers of Jambu-I regulate their appetites? Because, simply, they don't care to. Their dreams
take them down into "caverns measureless to
man" where the "sunless seas" are utterly perfect, and nothing daunts, even death, and
nothing satiates, even constant repetition.

I have sat in my hammock in many places in
Brazil, listening, to jungle voices, to the
name-calling of frogs, the cries of macaws and
parrots, the far screaming of great cats, the
drumming roar of rain on the jungle crown, the
factory-whistle sounds the cigarras make, the
low voices of men too lazy to do anything but
plan the conception of families in the nights
to come -- the lower, more seductive voices of
girls and women, Indian and Jungle-Brazilian,
the latter descended from the former with the
persistent help of many generations of Europeans, and I have been tempted to try such
strange drugs as unco -- uiudo whose roots bear
nodules from which a tea, or tincture is made.
Male and female dare not imbibe together, however loyal the man may be to someone else, the
woman to someone else -- or to her religious
faith. For once the tea or tincture is tried,
the end is certain, nightmarish-dreamy, and
mad -- and a hundred persons can walk past the
lovers, and the lovers will not know or care.
They could be threatened with death in the
midst of their madness, know the threat real,
yet they would regard each other only, and
their uncontrollable urge; with their wills
ravished by junco-siudo, they could not do otherwise until complete exhaustion claimed them,
and they became unconscious, to waken -- and resume! One hears, one reads the eyes of informants, and one is tempted, for there is another
property inherent in almost every one of the
six drug-stored plants I have mentioned here:
It sakes every san a god to the woman, every
woman a goddess to the san.
price is only permission for themselves, the
women, to share in the maricaua and whatever
else contrivers may think up to mix with it.
Blood of the tropics may be hot blood; it may
cool all too soon -- tho not if these six plants
and their special uses are known to the interested.

Nuira-puama can be as dangerous as any of
the plants. It isn't found everywhere , but
where it is found is carefully marked, and men
will fight to the death, almost, for its possession. Nacuaba practitioners will sell decoctions of the broad thick leaves of this
plant as love philtres, and earn their money.
In fact I have never heard of a san dealing in
love philtres, even sacumba men, or "priests ",
of which there are some on the rim of the jungle in spite of the grim opposition of the
church. Women are prime contrivers, possibly
because they have more time to dream up potentialities. One foreigner of whom I heard in
the jungles was the father of scores of "little slaves", yet he never actually "saw" his
"wives" or knew that he had fathered children
at all. His housekeeper fed him infusions of
one or more of the six plants mentioned here,
including suira-puama, in his food and drink.
He would sink into soundless sleep, apparently
dreamless, and the housekeeper would usher selected women to him in the night; she had quite
a thriving business in "little slaves", in
time, and she stuck to her eerie business until
her employer left the Amazon Valley in a
straitjacket. One hears of something like
this, and temptation is decidedly less.

Urtiga -- This plant is often found in jungle
gardens and vegetable patches. It is one plant,
I think, which the leaf-cutting ants won't
touch. I collected several specimens. The first
one burned my entire hand like fire. I looked
closely for fire-ants, but it was the juice of
the plant. After that I used gloves. I had a
I've left out significant facts here, which
I'll give to responsible persons -- qualified
chemists, for example -- on request. I wouldn't
knowingly provide the most lovesick woman or
man with enough information on even one of the
plants named here, to make a love philtre possible. Even romantic, even jungle, love isn't
worth the end result -- which is insatiability
beyond all sanity. Let the stuff alone. Save
for malicia das mulheres, I've used Indian
names only. If I provided the Latin names, far
too many of these five might be purchased in
American greenhouses, whose florists have little idea of exactly what they've imported.
of any abracadabra of jumbled letters forming
an important sounding "ic", or "ism", or "ology" -- in which the wonders of successful living -- and dying -- are ours for a "few" dollars --
and a FEW spare moments of study and reading --
which they, in their drive for QUICK riches and
approbation, never, apparently, had time for.

So we get fat, we get cancer, we have heart
ailments -- and we haven't the slightest idea
what we are building for ourselves "over
there". We're willing to take someone's word
for it -- to BELIEVE -- because it's easier -- and

Yes, walking the more than four miles was
quite an experience; it gave us time to do some
thinking, and looking, and wondering -- and we're
not certain we liked the conclusions we reached any better than we did the neglected sidewalks we tripped over. Maybe we'll try it
again, taking a different route, and see if we
can't find a more optimistic "future" under
our feet.

It's difficult to say which of the six produces the strangest effects, but take saricaua.
An infusion made from three to six leaves of
this plant, in 200 grams of water, produces a
kind of hypnosis, with a sensation of well-being almost unspeakable, loss of will, and the
ability to answer questions like a medium in
trance. Now, here is something. Clearly the
man or woman who partakes of saricaua, knowing
in advance what it will do, asks for what he
gets. While the plant isn't in itself the stuff
of which uncontrollable love is fashioned, it
can be, and is, mixed with whatever of the
other five plants herein mentioned is available
to the contriver of secret rendezvous. This AUDIT 0 R I A L
one above all I wished to try, but in areas
where it is known and used, I felt there might
be secrets I preferred to keep to myself. I had
no urge to do any astral traveling, which one
is quite capable of doing while under "the influence'=-according to reports -- but I had queried many men and women, of all ages, exhaustively, about saricaua and each of the other
five plants herein mentioned -- together with
perhaps a score of others of like properties --
and I knew my new-found friends -- regardless of
consequences and appreciating jests like anybody else -- would deal me a jungle "mickey" if
they got a chance that might well change the
whole course of my life. I had no desire to
leave any illegitimate children in the jungles,
even if I knew they were on the way -- for in
exactly this way have some of the mysterious
"little slaves" of the dsaaon Talley come into
the world. There are, in some areas, women of
various colors who, for a price, will provide
the bodies upon which "unconscious fathers"
may produce such small slaves; sometimes the

