Volume 10, Issue 7, page 2
Temporarily, at least,
without an office cat -- so if
this issue is
unusually dull,
blame it on
Teufe1's not
being around to
spice up t h e
columns. However, public
of our catless
state is no
open invitation
for the dumping
?of homeless
cats/kittens in
our yard in hopes they will be
given the pedestal vacated by
Teufel, Lucipuss, Buttons, Titan, Socrates, etc., etc., almost ad infinitum... ∂ Teufel 's
death wasn' t dramatic as was
that of Buttons -- but Teufel
wasn't a dramatic cat. Outside
of understanding people, and
disliking visitors -- especially
women and children which would
cause him to express his resentment by staying away for
sometimes days at a time -- his
one excuse for existence was
that he could be cute -- altho
his appetite for birds and his
rank failure as a mouser were
two strikes he never tried to
erase from his batting record.
This time, when Teufel refused
to eat one day, and disappeared
the next without any visitors
to arouse his resentment, Ye
Pub, became concerned, and she
relayed her anxiety to Fred
Kimball of Gardena, Calif., -- AU
had demonstrated his affinity
for animals by "talking" to
gophers while we were at the
Harmony Grove convention. But
Fred had a class at Bishop and
by the time he returned home
to find the letter, Ye Ed's
unpsychic nose had led him to
what was left of Teufel in a
patch of weeds next door.
"your cat says 'I was hurt inside and I went out and died',"
Fred reports. Which concludes
the saga of Teufel, and for
the moment, Lucipuss's dynasty
is at an end. And as the Rosicrucians say about a situation
they want to remain as is, we
intone, "So mote it be!" ...
∂ It sounds like an interesting program -- that Fourth Annual Autumn Conclave scheduled
for Love' s Retreat at Lakemont, Ga., but by the time this
is in the mails, its date of
October 11 to October 20 will
be practically over. So, all
we can say is that we hope it
was a successful one. S(hhda"h
Love reports 564 persons have
Seen in and out of the Retreat
this season -- this in spite of
the fact she took an 8,000mile trip west last spring that
lasted for three months. But
getting back to the Conclave,
which probably will have added
greatly to that "in and out"
figure quoted above, we notice
names on the program included:
Dr. Ben Waites, Rev. Leg~o~ E.
Zemke, George Crawfor3,
Rev. Enid Brady, Dr. Alberta
Elliott, Lois and Ed 00 NT eal ,
a number of chiropractors, or
"men with expanded vision", as
Mali describes them...
∂ Persons who take pictures
-- amateur or professional --
know how thankless the job can
be when one takes a techniqueperfect portrait, only to have
the subject reject it as "It
doesn't look a thing like me."
Maybe one has a different mental picture of oneself that he
is unable to present in facsimile to the world -- or camera
-- but Eva Woodford of Lost
Creek, W. Va., thinks she has
a "cure" for this. She believes
that _if one posts before himor herself an idealized picture of himself -- something to
look at every now and then instead of the mirrored reflection of all those wrinkles and
crow's feet -- one will subconsciously adjust his features to
emulate what one wishes were
there -- within reasonable limitations, of course. (Even Eva
admits you can't imagine away
a hook or pug nose by looking
at an artist's concept of an
imaginary "you" with a.Roman
or Grecian profile which you
have had framed and mounted as
a bedside "wishing well " . ) I t
sounds like a dirty trick on
the fraternity of photo retouchers, but undoubtedly they
have a union, and some kind of
rules to guarantee their continued employment at falsifying portrait negatives enough
to satisfy and flatter customers who feed the cash-box...
∂ And while we're on the
subject of portraits and photography, we might mention the
pleasant surprise that was
ours when Mr. and rs. Ralph
Gardner of Greeley, Coo., concluded their two-week vacation
by stopping in Enid on the way
home. Gardner is a photographer in Greeley, and most of
their stay was spent "talking
shop " -- as anyone who has ever
traded chemical formulas and
so forth will understand...
It may have been an accident, or coincidence, but when
we got Tom O'Neil's new record
("Strange Truths") by air mail
the other day, we began checking among our friends to see
who had a 33 1/3 record player
we could borrow long enough to
listen, since our own "45" was
totally inadequate for the job.
Imagine our surprise to discover everyone we knew either
had "78" (one even had the old
cylindrical type) or "45's" --
but no "long play". Then we
got bogged down in mailing and
forgot -- until Tom called us
from Southern Pines, N. Car.,
and reminded us we hadn't even
acknowledged receipt of same.
Fortunately, the Editor has a
niece -- just a stone's throw
from the '"bobby sox" stage --
who has nothing but "33 1/3s"
in her albums -- and when we were
able to catch her one evening
without a"date", we took our
tape recorder over so that we
not only could listen , but
could make a recording for our
own future use. The record is
made up of about 18 "shorts" --
stories of ESP, precognition,
poltergeists, astral projection, and ghosts -- giving about
45 minutes of eerie listening.
Tom has an excellent voice,
and he has spiced his recording with sound effects that
add much to the aura of authenticity.
The jacket is taken
from an old ABERREE cover...
∂ What we're wondering, and
have no way of proving, is:
Does the speed of one's record >
player have anything to do
with revealing his age? ...
1 A few weeks after its
formal opening with the personal blessings of ov Eugene
Davis, the Oklahoma City New
Age Center had its formal ded- W
ication with a ceremony conducted by Arthur J. Burks. The
last repor we as was fiat no
more "formal" ceremonies a r e g>G
planned, and the Center can gal
now be considered in operation... ("I n a bulletin outlining plans for the Center,
various study and prayer units
are scheduled to meet daily,
different hours and periods
being set aside to accommodate F
those with different interests.
For example, flying sammer enthusiasts will get together