Volume 6, Issue 7, page 12
1 Bob Williams, whose byline is no stranger to scienceZiction fans, writes that he
took four months off the latter part of 1958 on a scholarship at the Huntington Hartford Foundation, and altho he
knew the book he was writing
was "too far left field in the
mystical sense" for acceptance
by publishers and readers, he
wrote it anyway. Results were
just what he expected. However, instead of sitting back
and scanning his rejections,
he holed up in the mountains
with "bob cats, coyotes, and
rattlesnakes", wrote a couple
less controversial books, and
sold these readily. 'lb complete his dollar degeneration ,
he allowed his agent to sign
him up for some T-V shows in
Hollywood. So passeth a beatnik, who says: "Much of the
sulphur and brimstone has gone
out of me, and I have gentled
down to the point where I can
hardly stand myself."
1 Can the sex of a child be
not only determined but controlled? Yes! insists jam.
Harold Thibodeau , of Myrtle
Beach, S . Car. , as he announces the birth of their sixth
child, which is a boy, naturally, since their previous
event of this kind was a girl,
and the Thibodeaus are following some sort of pattern that
keeps the sexes divided evenly. "They said it couldn't be
done!" J. Harold shouts gleefully, as he checks off his
"proof" that "they" often are
quite wrong...
1 Over the horizon, there
are always NEW HORIZONS, it
seems -- and the latest to adopt
this as a title for his publication is Mu Freedom ~a , of
Vista, Calif., an authority on
things Huna. We hope we can
keep Max's NEW H0RI21)NS separate from the other NEW HORI2DNS that cross our cluttered
desk, but this NEW HORIZONS is
to replace the chatty and informative news letter which
Max abandoned not too long ago .
we're not certain, but we detect a bit of tongue-in-cheekishness in Mr.Long's announcement that NEW HORIZONS is the
official publication for a new
organization , to be known as
"The Ancient Order of HRA (Huns Research Associates) Tarot"
(the crossed out "t" is not an
error, but Max declares this
corrects an over-spelling of
the original set of Taro
cards). Issue No. 1 concerns
itself with a study of Taro
card No. 1, "The Fool" -- and
In his newspaper column , writing on "The
Boring Secret of Longevity", Rudolf Flesch
comments on the SATURDAY EVENING POST's Gallup
pollster's interviews with 400 persons more
than 95 years old. They could find no common
denominator for longevity in diet, exercise,
smoking, drinking, and so on. The lives of
these centenarians were a confusion of contradictions.
But Rudolf Flesch, in a flash of wisdom,
discerned that there was a basic common reason
for their longevity, which was: "Whenever
you're tempted to change your way of life,
don't ." In short, don't change. Stay fixed.
Obviously, this is ridiculously true, and
greater change than from life to death knows
no man . The 400 oldsters were so stable that
many of them were still living on the exact
spot on which they were born. They stayed put
vocationally, religiously, physically, mentally, and in all other facets of their lives.
The command "No change" was engraved on their
everyday lives. Si they didn't change from
life to death.
Speaking of change, there is the Synergetics magazine named CHANGE. Two of its editors,
in so many years, have made the supreme change.
Could it be that the word "Change", which
looked them in the face morning, noon, night,
acted as a command engramatically for the reactive mind to work on? By all means, change
the name of CHANGE.
Apropos of this is the story of a 150-yearold man who says his secret of longevity is,
'Keep away from doctors". Subconsciously, the
doctors are saying the same thing. Diseases
resulting from therapy they are now classifying as "therapeutic diseases". Such diseases
must be quite prevalent to be so recognized.
Even psychotherapists are guilty of causing
therapeutic diseases by restimulating sleeping
dogs and reactivating sicknesses and suicides
that otherwise were lying dormant.
No group yet has officially recognized what
may be called "retributory diseases". For example, a vivisectionist operates on hundreds
of dogs on a certain spot in the throat. He
gets cancer himself on the exact spot on which
he operated on the dogs. On his death bed, he
attributes his cancer to "an act of God" for
his mistreatment of the dogs.
Be it God or his own inner-self that did
it, that is a"retributory disease", and there
are many such cases. More than one doctor has
suffered the diseases their patients died of.
That is self-inflicted retribution for inflicting therapeutic diseases on others .
Scientology Moves
Washington, D.C., office shortly or eventually
follows the pattern of closing offices that
Hubbard no longer tenants, as has happened so
frequently during the last nine years. At present, according to the announcement, the Washington office will be retained -- as will other
HASI centers here and there.
Primary inducement offered share -holders in
the new corporation is the offer of a 20 per
cent discount on training, processing, books,
records, and tapes. Americans will have an opportunity to buy shares after the British bloc
has been sold; in the meantime, "to prevent
the membership from being denied full benefits", "lifetime memberships" are being offered at $75 each.
The announcement makes no mention of what
now happens to previous "lifetime memberships"
other than to say past obligations will be
taken over by HAGI Ltd.
L .Ron Hubbard Jr. (Nibs) hints that Scientology's next move will be to Alpha Centauri ,
"when we run out of people on earth". Which is
a longer jump ,considerably, than the one just
made from Washington to England, or any of the
previous moves: Elizabeth , N.J., to Chicago,
to Los Angeles, Calif., to Wichita, Kas., to
Phoenix, Ariz., to Philadelphia, to Camden, N.
J., to Phoenix again, to Washington, D.C. (If
we've left out any stops, we apologize.)