Volume 5, Issue 9, page 7

NITED STATES -- The disappointment felt
by the Administration and G.O.P. with
election results will reflect more
as a pall will hang over the public.
Elements of bitterness and disgruntlement
intrude conspicuously into public activities. The inflation is deflating too
rapidly to get into line with level-indicators of our economy. Surprise changes
in rules and regulations respecting investments, interest rates, and payment
plans, as well as across-the-board adjustments, will be made.

Problems and hardships will increase
for farmers, mining industries, lumber,
and construction. After the holiday rush,
the decline in employment will be sharper
than in the past, with oil and steel
leading in production cuts. This will
bring back the recession ogre so menacing
less than six months ago.

The courses of foreign affairs, the
armed forces, organized labor fall under
malignant influences. A new brash of
bossism and gangsterism in unions will
bring a blush of shame to the honest rank
and filer. I see a continuation of the
raucity in overseas diplomatic negotiation. New political schisms will develop
behind international scenes. They point
to our prompt recognition of new regimes
established thru revolution.

A new medical discovery is being perfected by a Hindu which will be as effective on malignant growths as Salk vaccine is in polio. It will accomplish much
good among his own people, but will be
given frigid treatment here.

The winter months bring an increase of
all hazards of life and well-being of man.
A rash of bombings of schools, laboratories, aircraft, as well as railroads within the areas of the military. Loss of
ships thru collision as well as wintry
weather will increase.

It would be well for Eleanor Roosevelt
to continue taking good care of herself.
Dulles has been pushing his luck too far
-- healthwise.

GREAT BR/TUN is and shall be involved
more and more in the mounting world crises. I do not wish to frighten people, but I see a great demand for
military action as war clouds hover on
the horizon. Britain would do well not to
ignore these demands.

A great change is seen in national
affairs, pointing to a large area comprising Greece, much of Asia Minor, anc

Iran. From a British viewpoint, these
events represent the ultimate of challenges which cannot be sidestepped, if Britain does not wish to reduce her already
diminishing sphere of influence. Adverse
effects on government and people are clear
enough. Vital changes will have to be
made, including a strong appeal to the
electorate for support. Confusion will
prevail, caused by deadlocks on strong
power politics urged by U.S.A., on the
one hand, and the rising tide of social
progress in the lands of the have-nots.

The impact of foreign shipping has
scored deeply in shipping and heavy industries. Britain's economy has been falsified both at home and abroad. Higher
wages will be demanded, and despite a
fall-off in jobs, strikes and threats of
strikes will plague the country. British
labor will not yield their hard-foughtfor gains despite the unemployment rise.

Britain should not expect to reach a
compromise with Soviet Russia.

The grand crisis in parliamentary procedures has been and shall continue mounting, and will soon reach a climax with
possibility of the entire constitution
going into the melting pot. This revolutionary tug of war in parliament is not
seen by the man in the street.

At the turn of the year, one in the
royal household will be stricken critically, but will not die. Churchill will
be stricken again and may not be as lucky
as in the past. Illness will plague several in both houses; two will succumb.
The Arcnbishop of Canterbury will suffer
a severe illness.

CANADA Ottawa may expect some grandiose
schemes from government circles.
A socially and politically important person will pass on. Illness of a government
official will cause great concern for a
time. He will recover o n l y to succumb
shortly thereafter.

Industry will slow down arbitrarily.
This is not good, as people will slow
down spending, causing considerable
trouble in commerce. Transport, education
and communication will forge ahead. Medical and chemical research will benefit.

Winter weather will be violent widely.

R/J$$/A Warlike warnings are at hand even
as there are signs of considerable unrest within the military. An epiJANUARY-FEBRUARY, 1959 T h e A B E R R E E 7