Volume 4, Issue 1, page 6
e "made it so", he will be searching for
`truths" and answers. He will look for
auses and purposes to be found "out there".
fe will seek out authorities to tell him
,vhat is so. He will "believe" in various
"ologies" or "isms" as revealed "truths",
either for what is so, or as providing the
"purpose" for life.
He is most thoroughly "reversed". He is
lot willing to be 'what he is being at the
'oment, because the "self" that he has
"made so" is unsatisfactory and disagreeble to him. (Note the relationship im'lied. He is now unhappy about what he has
,one and identifies this into being unhappy
bout what he is doing in the present time
uoment. He doesn't like what he has had and
this converts into not liking what he does
ow have.)
Because the "self" that he has "made so"
is disagreeable to him, he is unwilling to
be that "self". Beingness exists, of course,
only in terms of relationship, which in
turn is in a sense synonymous with communication. This also has to do with location.
Certainly, it should be clear that we are
not interested in communicating with what
is disagreeable to us; in fact, we generally go out of communication as much as
possible. Thus, we attempt to break or deny
relationship. It is obvious that, whatever
we wish to control or change, we can do so
only if we do have a relationship with it.
Thus, it becomes apparent that, when applied to the present time moment, the more
willing we are to be, do, and have insofar
as that present time moment is concerned,
the more readily we can change the "self"
that we have "made so".
This is an answer.
It has nothing to do with resignation or
with passively accepting what fate has presented us. It has nothing to do with the
idea of enduring this vale of tears.
Rather, it has to do with "aggressively"
being willing to be what we are being at
the moment, so that we can change our beingness into something else. If we are
willing to be located where we are, then,
and only then, can we change to another
It is a little difficult to move from
San Francisco when one is living in Omaha.
One had better be willing to be in Omaha,
if one wants to move elsewhere -- change location.
All "thinkingness" and mental/emotional
conditions are relationship affairs. One
had better be willing to be, do, and have
in terms of his present mental/emotional
condition, if he expects to change that
The three paragraphs above also explain
why we are "stuck" with what we are unwilling to be, do, or have.
This is not a matter of saying, "Well, I
guess I am the way I am, so I'll `have to'
be willing to be that way." Nor is it a
matter of saying, "There's nothing I can do
about the way I am, so I guess I'm stuck
with it and might as well be willing to be
what I am." Nor even is it a condition of
agreeing, "Well, I can try being willing to
be what I am being and see if it does any
good." This is idiocy.
You cannot "kid" yourself! Let's face
it! You must either honestly be willing to
be, do, and have what you are being, doing,
and having at the moment, or you cannot
change your "self". You then will have to
"make so" a "belief" that something or
somebody else can change your "self", and
that only in this way is it possible. This
leads to a generally unrewarding search for
the "supreme" (most correct) authority.
You can change only what you have "made
so" and are honestly willing to have "made
so". All effective cognition and resultant
change is based on this simple "truth", no
matter how poetically or esoterically expressed.
Let's be willing to work in terms of relationships as they are at the moment, and
not in some fictional or wishful terms, tf
we want to change from those relationships
to more desirable ones.
Nothing can be worked unless it is a relationship. Anything thought of or considered (including the "self") is a relationship to the thinker. Exercises in "separateness" and "differences" may be of value
in this connection. All that we can change,
destroy, or create are but relationships.
We cannot move something from where it
is not.
We cannot move our "selves" from where
they are not.
(heck your present time moment and decide to be willing to be, do, and have
exactly what you are being, doing, and having.
You have 'made it so". Observing and being willing to have it as you have "made it
so" allows you to change it to something
else. NICO
In an attempt to change conditions, or
persons, or one's mind, from the beginning
of time, man has said about any and everything, "IT WORKS!"
Mumbo-jumbo, tree bark,
dragon's blood, bird droppings,
altar sacrifices -- always that
same refrain: "It works -- but
only for certain people."
A weed, a pill, a knife, a
ray, a prayer, a chemical, an
exercise, holy water, an operation, Technique 88. . . Just
what is this "IT" that works
for certain persons?
A vacation, a rest, a sacrifice, bleeding, a silence, a purging, a
hand, a voice, a leech, a thought, a doll
with pins in it, a bit of hair, a relic, a
cross, a medallion. What is this "IT" that
works for only certain ones?
Could it be as simple as, IT WORKS, for
CERTAIN persons who MAKE "IT" work?
The longest word in the English language
is "Love". It spans eternity.
If the Military continues to expand its
land-holding domain, kill civilians and destroy their property with plane crashes,
and poison the atmosphere with the A- and
H-bomb tests, they will have succeeded in
making the U.S. impregnable to invasion. It
wouldn't be worth it.