Clears and PreClears
Clears and PreClears
Visitors to The ABERREE office during the last month include: Jackie and Paul Ishmael of Oklahoma City (Jackie took ill while here and we gave her some emergency auditing; since she has been strangely quiet -- theta clear?). Frank Sullivan of Detroit (Frank, who took the first clinical course in Camden, is on his way to Phoenix by car and bus to take the last). Thomas Carnahan of Eldorado, Ill. (on his way home after attending the June Congress was helping a friend, M. M. Dollins of Alamogordo, N.M., find a reliable auditor). Earl Cunard of Crescent, Okla. (but this is getting so regular it's losing its noteworthiness). Kenneth, Refa, and Karen Postel of Detroit also discovered that Enid, on U.S. 60, is the shortest route from the east to Phoenix. (Refa is taking the Seventh Clinical course, primarily to learn more about theta processing -- in absentia, as far as the MEST body is concerned)...
Idella Stone reports she may go to Guatemala to give an intensive -- if political conditions permit -- in a month or so ... Students in Unit 6 of the Advanced Clinical Course: Perry Miller, Pittsfield, Mass.; Bernard McNown, Topanga, Calif.; Chester Maydole, Los Angeles; Maurice Radell, Minneapolis, Minn.; Ival Mainard, Elgin, Ill.; Bonnie Turner, Phoenix, Harry Boas, Southington, Conn.; Sylvan Stein, Lancaster, Penn.; and Ted Best, Carlsbad, N.M...Names of those selected for Unit 7 had not been announced at the time this was written... Most of us at times have received a letter that gave us the idea the writer had nothing to say, but when Lynn Lamoreaux sent such a letter recently to Volney Mathison, she saw that carbon copies went to a select list...And speaking of Volney, Marianna Adams of Kansas City is credited with giving him a new title: ELECTROUIJAMETRIST...And more of Volney: A recent sarcastic squib in The JOURNAL anent his "grapevine" activities was taken so seriously by some of The JOURNAL's readers that he began receiving orders for Mathison-grown grapes...
One of the best, and most validating, tapes we've heard recently is the interview of Randall Garrett, a confessed "Hubbard-hater" who was converted by Six Steps to Better Beingness. The interview was by John Bloomquist, of Peoria, Ill., and John thoughtfully added to the tape the process Garrett credits with getting results. The tape is distributed by Gordon Beckstead, of Phoenix. One often wonders why, in Scientology, so many are willing to give their time and talents to provide taped views and processes, yet none ever demands, or gets, royalty from their distribution. Even the distributor can't be getting very rich...Ross Lamoreaux reports success in a new field: processing insurance men to increase their sales. (We could tell the story -- but won't -- of the insurance man who came into The ABERREE office full of confidence, and went out with two Scientology books under his arm and convinced he was committing an overt act against humanity by selling people the excuse to have accidents.)...
Latest definition of a "clear" picked up recently in Phoenix: If he or she has changed his or her wife or husband (or reasonable facsimile thereof), since taking one of the advanced courses, he or she may be one. If they haven't, they're not...A letter, giving us the low down on what people do in Phoenix when a Congress isn't in town, was sent us, signed by "The Bird Watchers". However, since they seem to limit their watching to cuckoos, we decided not to be partial ... The CADA (California As-