Volume 9, Issue 8, page 9
.hut You, moo, C gt
sort of non-material picture. (ED. NOTE -- Include in this category comic strip characters,
fictional characters, especially heroes and
heroines -- such as Orphan Annie, Huckleberry
Finn, Tarzan, Elsie Dinsmore, etc.)
8. Gods -- Any kind of deity. He should be
drilled on creating and destroying any kind of
god image: scrawny gods, poor gods, good gods,
horrible gods, wonderful gods, his mother's
god and his father's god, the kind of god various religions set up, etc., so that in imagination he can create them and destroy them.
The drill is very simple. "Create this.
Move it around in space. Make it older. Make
it younger. Modify it; make it good, make it
bad, make it sick, make it better. Destroy it;
get rid of it. Now make some more of the same,
Destroy them."
Anything the subject has trouble with, he
should be drilled on, no matter what it is or
where it is. He should be able to create and
destroy the nastiest things and the most pleasant things in existence. He should be able to
create and destroy murders, flowers, people,
horrible monsters, wonderful things, and situations like new homes or million dollar bills --
anything and everything.
If you happen to have an electropsychometer
2. Family -- To or any similar instrument, you may check the
y -- To be able to create and destroy person to see where he reacts in creating and
his family in imagination, to imagine creating destroying any of these things. But by now you
and destroying his real friends. Especially should be able to check him without an instruyou should drill him on people with whom he ment. If you have gone thru the prerequisite
might be identified. If he has trouble destroy- lessons thoroly, you should be able to tell
ing his imaginary images of them, or if he has immediately whether he has trouble creating or
trouble visualizing them, he has some block destroying what you have asked- for.
there, and you should drill him on it. If nec- His perception will be no better. than the
essary, have him take a small part of the image limits of what he is willing to imagine. Anyat a time: "Create and destroy Father's hand," thing he cannot imagine will not move into his
rather than total "father"; work it up on the field of perception, no matter what it is.
whole imaginary figure on a gradient scale. It Conversely, anything which does move into his
may be necessary to start as gently as one field of perception, no matter how good or how
hair. horrible, he can create and he did create and
3. Group -- To be able to create and destroy imagine. Regardless of whether somebody else
the immediate group around you in daily life. also imagined it, he imagined it too since he
4. Mankind -- The various races, all groups perceived it. So consider that one carefully.
of mankind. Your purpose in working the individual is to
5. Life -- Any living thing whatsoever. remove his limitations, so you work him back
6. Material Universe -- Anything at all which and forth on this drill and cover everything
exists in the material universe, alive or dead, you can think of, particularly those things
solid or unsolid, imaginary or existent. and people related to him, his family, his
7. Spirits Ghosts, witches, goblins, any friends, any object, any person, anything you
DECEMBER, 1962 -- The A B E R R E E 9
HIS LESSON takes up imagination
drills on creating and destroying.
The prerequisites for it are completion of at least Lessons 1 thru
5 , altho after working on No.9,
some of you might find it pays to
go back and do some more work on
Lesson 5. The purpose of this lesson is threefold: First, to remove
any blocks on your perception, to
show you what they are and how to take
them off; second, to locate and remove any
residual subconscious identifications; and
third, to establish a complete and accurate differentiation between those things
which are real and exist in the general
universe and those which are imaginary
and belong in the individual's personal
or imaginary universe.
The best results on this drill are usually
obtained if one person works another on a prepared list of material. There are several
places where such lists are available. One of
the most extensive I have seen is published in
L. Ron Hubbard's writings, and the outline
given here is based on Dianetics; but others
could be used as long as they are equally comprehensive. You should cover the following
framework, and you should take the subject
over it thoroly:
1. Self -- lb be able to create and destroy
in imagination himself, his body, any part of
himself whatsoever, to make an imaginary picture of it, change it, alter it, bang it
around, make it older, make it younger, and
destroy it. He should be able to do any and
all of these rapidly and easily without any
reaction whatsoever.
WARNING -- These lessons in "Advanced Perception" are not to be treated lightly -- or delved
In by the curious for idle or questionable
goals. As the Author cautions, they're dangerous -- and it is suggested two persons with similar Intent work as a team. One of the risks involved, Mr. Schroeppel warns, is that some who
successfully develop their advanced perception
"are going to see some things they'd rather not
see". And don't mix with any other technique,
or you may find yourself working at cross-purposes. Which Is no place to find yourself, or
for anyone else to find you -- especially an incompetent psychologist or psychiatrist. They
may get the idea you're as crazy as they are.