A Dynamo that Tutors in Rhyme (continued)
nuts to diamonds.' Wisdom, love, and beauty are the greatest treasures of this world—and probably of the next world, too. So, as Don Purcell said, let's concentrate on the things we can take with us.
Today (April 7, 1957) is published in THE AMERICAN WEEKLY the story of the early Christian writings cached in a cave near the River Nile and recently unearthed. I note in the new sayings of Jesus here published are two or three which dovetail perfectly into the seven steps. For example, in perfect support of Step Three: "Jesus said: 'Man is like unto a clever fisherman who casts his net into the sea and draws it up full of little fishes. And among the little fishes he finds one good big fish and throws back into the sea all the little fishes. And it hurts him not to keep only the one big fish.'" Following this allegory is a saying which illustrates Step lour, which the Dynamo titles, "Understanding of beauty born in pain".
Jesus said: "Happy is the man who has
suffered. He has found life."
In this connection, the Dynamo said:
The widened shore the river wore
Dimensions of the ages bore.
In times defeat the slow, retreat,
In victory the changes meet.
The mass undone, the eddy spun
The silted valley growth begun.
Beneath the pier the sluggish mere
Reveals the secrets of the seer.
The willow weed, the pumpkin seed,
The roses of the garden need
The ashes born of time forlorn
In battle of the river born.
Mystics have often likened man's life on this earth to a river, constantly changing, never the same from one day to another, eternally flowing. The stature a man achieves is a result of his success in dealing with adversity. If he accepts defeat, he regresses toward the infantile state. This is nally caused by not facing up to our problems and blaming some outside force for our "bad fortune".
In victory we accept the necessity to change with the times. Adversity has proven that our old method of thinking and doing was invalid. We can devise a new way of dealing with the situation and become wiser, more effective persons thru this process.
It is the only way we can achieve stature. Sa, as Justice Holmes said, we should thank God for our troubles; they make us grow.
If there is any adverse experience we have not profited from, but where we suffered defeat, we can re-evaluate it and with our new analytical vigor, resolve beauty and wisdom from our pain and despair. This is what a novelist does when he writes novel after novel about himself, his life, his experience with the pain and sorrow of the world.
We do not have to feel sorry for ourselves. We can look down upon our troubles as steps up the ladder of character growth and rejoice in them.
STEP FIVE -- The touch of magic over all.
Flight of fancy, necromancy Wine for sagging spirits, chancy no the flight may be for him Who has never the haven Of the brightly sho,i any shaven, (Stirit of adventure dim). 111 rw — L Turn the hour—glass upside down, Fasten rubies in his crown; Amethyst and heliotrope, Brighten weary hours with hope. Tho the fields are far away, Flights of fancy mold the clay.
Here we have the method of Coue, Mesmer, Norman Vincent Peale, New Thought, Browne Landone, etc. The Dynamo recognizes "make believe"as "vital ammunition for the growth of ham". But it is the fifth of seven steps. Not the first and only one, as many teachers present it. New walls must have a new foundation. If you build your house on the sand, the winds and rains and floods will carry it away.
Make your foundation firm and you can change your house at will. You change your house with all the seven steps. "The touch of magic over all" is a powerful tool when you have negotiated the previous hurdles.
A belief accepted by the "subconscious mind" tends to realize itself on a physical and mental level. Beliefs exercise a powerful creative force almost beyond the power of man to understand. So we can deliberately inculcate or install beliefs in ourselves, and also in those with whom we come in closest contact.
A terrific responsibility is involved in exercising influence on others, therefore. The law of love, the Golden Rule, should always guide our efforts and actions, here as elsewhere.
As long as constructiveness and high good-will are the motivating force, only good can be done. If a desire to harness, control, make him see the light, is behind the necromancy -- a desire to make someone "cause" (to blame for something) -- it is a negative and destructive situation, and no good will come.
Complete forgiveness is an essential prerequisite to bringing the touch of magic into our lives. And also a complete respect for the right to self-determinism and individuality of the other fellow.
Sa, while magic is the greatest force for good, it also can be the greatest force for evil. Wisdom is necessary in its exercise.
Some people think destructively. Some people think constructively. What they think and what they tell themselves, in reverie, they are, and they become. The destructive thinker does not think he can change his thinking until he can change something outside himself. But he can. He can resolve wisdom from his "adversity". He can forgive his enemies. He can be more outgoing. He can enhance his love.
Something has to happen to an individual to make him understand this power within him to choose mental attitudes. He has to resurrect the will to be constructive. A little experimentation will discover to anyone the tremendous power of positive thinking, and the thrill and delight of knowing that what lies in his power to create, within himself and his universe, will reorient and motivate his life, regardless of external circumstances. (Continued in the July-AUgust issue)
According to a "filler" in one of the daily newspapers, the average American woman purchases four brassieres a year. WE might add that possibly three of this four also purchase something to fill them out.