Volume 8, Issue 4, page 10

salary, to do a certain amount of work. Maybe I've been doing
that, but I'm sure I haven't been doing that little bit
extra that gilds the work-lily. Hereafter, tho, I shall."

"This polishes the apple?" asks the boss.

"Not intentionally," you said."It's an original attempt to be
honest-in this instance, it just happens. with the
boss. Besides, if I talked this long, this much, on matters not
related to my work, with anyone else, it would be

"I'm malingering," said the boss,"but maybe not, after all.
Maybe, listening to you, I learn something that helps
me to earn something more for the employer and for myself."

"And mel" you said. 7
The boss moved away, and you forgot him thus making sure that he
didn't interfere wit~ your work.

"That wasn't bad," said the Associate in your ear. efit wasn't
new. but then, as The Preacher said in Ecclesiastes,
'There is nothing new under the sun!' Are we living up to it?t

"We?" you repeated. "This is my job!"

"True, but every job is my job, too, " you somehow fancied your
Associate said. "In our Father we live, move,
have our being, so your job, mathematically, becomes my job. It
becomes the job of everyone here. And if
everybody felt that way, and labored that way, more work could be
done, more efficiently, with fewer employes."

"Putting some out of work?" you instantly challenged even Him.

"Sending them to other work, which ihey may well like betterl" He
answered gently.

"or to the unemployment office," you persisted.

"In my day in Manhood," your Associate shook His invisible
head,"no such offices existed. But the Father made
provision... "

"There were the poor, the beggars... " you were ready for an

"The poor, I remember saying, you have always with you, because
they agree to be poor, even insist on poverty.
By holding jobs that should not be, they are in poverty, of which
they can quit themselves when they find
themselves - in work more congenial to their spirits I "

It would take some figuring, you toid yourself, to understand
what The Man was gettin

at. You weren'texactly thinking about feather! bedding, of which
nobody would have been likely to know in His
Manhood, but you knew that it could exist, deeply hidden hero,
because you did less than you contracted to do and
were paid as if you had done it all.

It was so easy to entangle yourself in words of justification, of
rationalizationthat fooled no one, less and less*
yourselfwhen you began looking at things as you fancied Jesus
must have, and still did-right now thru your eyes.

You speeded up. You worked more carefully. You were less
slovenly. You forgot the clock. You loved your job.
every least detail of it.

one thing was clear, come noon: The time certainly went faster
when you filled it with getting things done,
losing yourself in them, forgetting yourself and even your family
during concentrated work for the man who paid

"And you can still think!" suggested the Associate.

"With a lot more to think about, Sir," you said.

"'Sir' is for bosses, generals, admirals. I'm a carpenterl" He

(Continued in the next issue)

.ffietrt~irs of


(ED. NOTE - Don't take our word for it; look up these crimes
against humanity in any good encyclopaedia.
Thousands of others never were recorded.)


YPATIA, daughter of Theon the Mathematician. was born in
Alexandria around 370 A.D. She was a brilliant young
woman who tried to fight against the arrival of the dark ages.
Like her father, she became a famous teacher and
counselor; her advice was sought after by many great men of her

When BishopCyril came to power over Alexandria in 412, he
resolved to destroy all religious competitors. He
closed and plundered the churches of heretical Christians and the
synagogues of the Jews.

Hypatia soon incurred the enmity of Bishop Cyril because she gave
her moral support to the pagan Orestes, who,
as head of the civil government, tried to restore religious
freedom. In 415, Hypatia was kidnaped by Cyril 's
followers and taken to the church called Caesarium. There she was
stripped naked and her flesh was cut with sharp
sea shells until she died. Her remains were torn apart and burned.

This incident was condemned a few years later by the church
historian, Socrates Scholasticus, who called it a
"heinous offense". However, the church hierarchy approved of
Cyril's methods and he was made a saint. As such, he
is still venerated in our time by the Roman Catholic church.





TOLEMY PHILADELPHUS (309- 246 B. C.), a learned Egyptian of his
day, offered rich rewards for scrolls
and manuscripts for his great library at Alexandria. Impelled by
their desires for the reward, wise men of all nations
went to Egypt with their choicest writings. By this means,
Philadelphus succeeded- in obtaining some 280,000 of
the best scriptures in the world.

The Chuich Biblical Committee had their
alabaster' 'Images, golden calf, totem poles,
etc., but the Church saw no future in them.
They,were outdatedt outmoded, obsolete. The
time was ripe for something new, so the Church
decided to invent an Idol of its own a Great
Paper Idol, the"Inspired Word of God?, *

A careful search showed the Jewish scrolls had certain
advantages. It was these only that sung high praises to an
imaginary God in the sky. who. the superstitious Jews believed,