Volume 7, Issue 5, page 20
3-3_, Yi"IUMI
If two things are equal to the same thing, they are equal
to each other.
A. Jesus B. Christ C. Seed
A=B and C=B. Therefore, A=C, or, A and B and C are equal to
each other.
Proof: A. Jesus is the Christ (St. Xatthew 1:16).
B. The seed is Christ (Galatians 3:16).
C. Therefore, Jesus is the seed.
C. Seed D. Word E. God
C=D and E=D. Therefore, C=E, or, C and D are equal to each
Proof: C. The seed is the Word or God (St. Luke 8:11) .
D. The Word is God (St. John 1:1).
E. Therefore, the seed is God.
E. God F. Light G. Christ
E=F and G=F. Therefore, E=G, or, E and F and G are equal to
each other.
Proof: E. God is light (1 John 1:5).
F. Christ is light (St. John 1:9).
G. Therefore, Christ is God, or, the seed is light.
H. Immanuel I. God
J. Light
H=l and J=I. Therefore, H=J, or, H and I and J are equal to
each other.
Proof: H. Immanuel is the mighty God (Isaiah 9:6).
I. God is light (1 John 1:5).
J. Therefore, Immanuel is light. Immanuel means
God with us