Volume 7, Issue 5, page 2
Published monthly, except for the combined January-February and JulyAugust issues, at 207 North Washington, Enid, Oklahoma, U.S.A.
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Subscription price: $2 a year; $5 for 3 years. Single copies, 25!
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Editor: The Rev. Mr. Dr. ALPHIA OMEGA HART. I-2, D.D., D.Scn., F.Scn.,
B.Scn., HDA, liCA, et al ad infinitum ad museum.
Publisher: ALICE AGNES HAtT: I-1, HCA, SEC., MM., Lbrn., H.Kpr., ETC.
POLICY: Don't take it so damn' seriously. The infiniteness of Man is not
reduced to a "split infinity" by wars, taxes, or "experts"who
seek to sell his that which he already has in an infinite amount.
Sub-Policy: We reserve, the right to change our minds from issue to
issue, or even from page to page, if we desire.
Sub-Sub-Policy: Each man has the inherent right to be his own and only
"Authority" -- with his wife's permission, of course.
Advertising Rates: $1 a column inch, if you get results; double if you
don't. Payable in advance. Copy mutt be in office SO days prior to
date of issue in which it will appear.
It is a common complaint
that scientists
- - physicists,
chemists, researchers into all
types of physical phenomena --
are too often unwilling to accept new ideas and different
methods, and for this. they
often are subjected to scathing criticism. The person
`certain" that ball bearings
sliding back and forth thru
the hollow spokes of a wheel
would give industry the long
looked-for "perpetual motion"
says that only the refusal of
"scientists " to "look beyond
their noses" keeps the world
chained to costly, fuel-burning energy. Tap water should
power the family car, if scientists "weren't being bought
off by oil companies and filling stations". Plant researchers should find a way to stunt
the growth of grass at lawnlevel, if "the sale of mowers
wasn 't so healthy f o r the
wealthy ".
Yet science does change.
What is commonly accepted today was unthought of, or the
subject of weird fiction, only
a few decades or so ago. Science has found ways to speed
travel and communication in
ways that would have been considered fantastically impossible less than a century ago .
Even now, as man-made satellites circle the earth in less
time than you can walk to the
drug store (if you weren't so
spoiled by a gas pedal that
you no longer walk to the drug
store, or any place else, for
that matter), there is talk of
excursions to the moon, to
nearby planets -- and, in less
imaginative circles, accurate
weather forecasting that may
give other scientists clues in
their hunt for ways to prevent
disastrous storms, or, at least
SEPTEMBER, 1960 * * Vol. VII, No. 5 ligion? Are they discarding
- old beliefs and replacing them
t Recusant Voice of 'The Infinites with Unow?
for r Earth, Mars, Venus, Saturn, Unfortunately, the answer
Pluto,, and Zydokumzruskehen is no! Al tho we are quick to
accept scientific advances, and
our homes and businesses reflect
the latest findings from the
world's laboratories, the large
majority of people throw up
their hands in horror at the
thought of discarding' any of
the ancient wheezes that have
to do with "the unknown".
Philosophers, dead for hundreds, even thousands, of
years, are still accepted as
indisputable authority. The
book that tells you the world
is only a few thousand years
old is "hallowed truth", even
the it has been proven bf fossils and other physical evidence that these figures cannot
possibly be correct. The writings of "ancients" who knew
nothing of astronomy, electricity, automobiles, and the
thousands of things even today's kindergarten child knows ,
are "holy '' and "undeniable " --
and if too inconsistent, defended as being in code, or
symbols, too deep for us dumb
moderns to comprehend.
Nor is Christianity alone
guilty of worshipping a past
none of us would go back to,
even if we were able. Even some
of those who think themselves
"enlightened" because they've
dared openly scout Christianity, have mired their spiritual
rowboat in the bogs of Buddha,
Lao-tse, Muhammad, and others
who might have been "brains"
back in the days when the most
intelligent would hardly rate
a passing glance from a good
animal trainer.
prevent staggering losses.
To some of us who look for
miracles "from the other fellow "to solve all our problems
for us "before breakfast",
science moves slowly. But it
moves. Not too many centuries
ago, scientists were just discovering that the earth was
round, that power could be
created to replace the muscles of man and animals, and
even the force that made lightning a fearsome peril, harnessed to toast bread, shave
whiskers and do the myriad
other things that have made
electrical outlets the foundation of modern buildings.
Can you imagine what would
happen were a modern scientist
to insist the earth is flat?
that blood is a static fluid
in the body? that the sun and
moon "travel " from east to
west with no greater aim than
to provide the earth with "a
greater light by day and -a
lesser light by night"?
Yet science is still in its
infancy. Some of today 's "hottest " discoveries will be passe tomorrow. What is "known"
as "truth " today will have
been disproven as heresy and
guesswork as new discoveries
relegate these "truths " to
t h e i r rightful places. For
science is like a tree, which
continues to grow as long as
it is fed and watered by unbiased research.
It is to be regretted that
much of today's science, as in
the past, is financed by war,
by the desire to destroy other
nations and other peoples, but
the very science that finds a
way to kill usually finds a
way to negate it, leaving civilization better off thru the
developments of some fortuitous byproducts.
On the other hand, what of
philosophy, metaphysics, reThere is no reason why we
can't have a form of "spiritual science" that is modern,
with its eyes on the stars,
just as we have a modern physical science. It was all right
for Adam and Eve to be tempted
by serpents back in their day,
and for Buddha, in his da,, to
contemplate his big fat navel
under a fig tree, but this is
the 20th Century, when most of
us have something better to do
than talk to serpents or contemplate navels.
Witchcraft had its heyday,
and so did religious persecution. Just off-hand, we would
say we are in a new era in
which some other "hallowed"
superstitions are withering on
their vines of bigotry and ignorance.
Let 's grow up. Spiritually,
let's do what the scientists
are doing, and start watering
our own tree of knowledge. ^ e
need some new fruit. Adam's
apple is getting a bit sour
and pulpy.