Volume 2, Issue 9, page 15

By ##Gyp " Sykology

MN, D.C., 7 Jan.--Many interesting things

nave occurred in Was hington since
last issue of
the least of
Eton recent Congress
held on the now "traditional"
days of Dec. 28, 29, 30, and
31. This was a Congress with-
out Ron -- something to cause
attendance to shrink in all
directions. Many showed any way, with more than 150 atten-
ding the last day or two,
counting staff and students.

There was a special reason for holding this Congress even though
Ron is in England--the release of the Six Levels of
Processing, currently at Issue Five (Revised). This is the result
of the research Ron has done during the Clinical
Courses in London. The processes ,seem to be very good, enough so
that eight or 10 D.Scn's. attending decided that
perhaps they'd better take the refresher course. Some of those
from more distant shores are the McGormicks from California
and Ann Sharpe from Texas.

The program consisted of data tapes and live group processing
especially prepared for the Congress by Ron and talks by
various Scientologists. including such familiar figures as Ken
Barrett, Julia Lewis, LRH Jr. (Nibs), etc.

There was a general agreement that this Congress went Off very
smoothly and some real changes--observable, that I*S-
were reported to have occurred during the group processing.
Before and after tests were available to show what results had
actually been achieved.

A highlight of the Congress was a wedding, with the former Norma
Larson and Roy Justin the star performers and the
knot being tied by the Rev. Barrett D.D., D.Sch.

The Congress was topped off by the usual New Year's Party, a
little odd, as Scientology parties usually are (undefinable,
but those who have attended one will know what I'm talking about.
The Revp Richard (Dick) Steves laid down his mock-up
as the leading Sci

entology prelate of New York City long enough to do a short solo
on the drums--a f Omer full-time occupation.

Another occurrence of interest was the moving of the
Academy--around the corner and up

the street to 1812 19th St.
They needed larger quar-
ters, but certain zoning and
f i r e ordinances helped in
reaching the decision. Seems
that the City objected to hav-
ing a school in that area, but
Bill Young had been quietly
training students for a coupie
years across the street from
the old address -- and no one's
bothered him.

At any rate, everyone got together and moved the whole shebang
one morning. Classes were resumed that afternoon.
The new building is perhaps as nice as anything ever occupied by
the various organizations of Dianetics and Scientology.
It's not much larger than the former building of the Academy, as
far as number of rooms go, but the rooms are larger and
bath facilities are much better. There's a large basement,
decorated by large flames painted around the walls, some flames
being complete w i t h furtive eyes. The decorators showed a
little unusual type of taste on the first floor, including vivid
green wainscoating in one room and a rather revoltin' combination
of buff and ecru in another. In the "Green Room", a life-
size bust of L.R.H. gazes benignly down upon the multitude,
flanked by an incomplete set of encyclopedia. The bust,
incidentally', is good-- but it's sort of orange, almost

Classes are held on the first floor and the front room of the
second. There are two offices on the second floor. The third
floor (together with a couple of small rooms in the basement) is
used as auditing territory. There still aren't enough auditing
rooms, though.

Perhaps the most revolutionary happening at the Acade

is the fact that its two highly touted leaders, Drs. Dave
Murray and Mary Stimpert, were unceremoniously fired just after I
had announced that everyone liked them. There is a theory that
they were too well-liked--and the 'loll man" felt a trifle
insecure. I think the truth of the matter is that Dave felt big
enough to throw his weight around-- "either this happens or I
go"--and you Just naturally go under these circumstances around
Ron. Ron expressed his regrets in one of the bulletins that
go out to the inner circle (the Academy and other schools, etc.)
--but said "they just had to go". I can imagine the effect of re

ceiving a cable that says, in effect, "Youlre fired", and very
little else.

Dave and Mary were supposed to have gone to Florida, but if they
did they didn't stay long. We hear they're i n Southern
California, in the neighborhood of A.E. Van Vogt. Personal
opinion: Hope they don't get out of Scientology; they're nice

In their places we have two of the best known Sclentologists,
namely "Nibs" and Ken Barrett, and a newcomer to the
teaching circle, Nadja Bindhar. Nadja is running the
indoctrination, Ken is turning out H. C.A.'s, and Nibs is in
charge of
the H.A.A. course. Some of the students had a little difficulty
adjusting to the radically different teaching styles and the
suddenness o f t h e change-- which is to say they "spun in"--but
everything seems to have straightened out. The visiting
wheels at the Congress seemed to be impressed with the quality of
auditor now being turned out.

These are the happenings of interest, and I have a feeling that I
won't have space for any more. This should be enough
for one month, at any rate.

(ED. NOTE--Next month, "Mr. 18-11-1911 will have a feature
article on the revised Six Levels of Processing, showing
the radical changes that have been adopted since the "Spot a
spot" and "O.K. Mama" days. It came in a mite too late for this

Marcus Tooley Book Helps

Span Gaps I" Scientology PEOPLE ARE HUMAN, By Marcus

Tooley (Box 2621, Auckland, N.Z., Price $3). In this book, Marcus
Tooley tells how he got into Dianetics, and follows
with a discussion of Dianetics and its metamorphosis into
Scientology, which he then takes up in some detail--giving both
theory and how to use it. The book contains 137 mimeographed
pages, and according to a note on the flyleaf, only 50
copies were produced o n the first printing.

Be ginning students, faced with a mountain of printed data
barely alluded to in the course they now may be studying,
should find in this book enough stopgap information to erase some
of their confusion. It is simply written, and does a job
long needed in the field of Dianetics/Scientology.

Many will find in Marcus's brief autobiographical foreword a
parallel in how and why they, themselves, were drawn into
Dianetics following the publication of Book One.

What would YOU say if you had a column two lines short?