Volume 2, Issue 7, page 15

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'You may otget hers also: same sentimen"If criticism abcut Hubbard is
without chance to change or affect
him, save to develop a paranoid reaction to any environment, then it
is useless to consider him or nay
organizattion he appears to head. we
is a separate quantity of his own,
beholden tu none and regarded only
by people living in their past. He
has demonstrated, over and over again, that he cares more for his own
particular case aberrations than the
good of any associated group. I have
su gested a 'bill of divorcement' --
and I think it can be made good.
"I reiterate my gratitude to the
early teachings of this man. I will
listen whenever he writes or talks.
so far as he permits me to afford
such pleasures. Eut as a person upon when the strength ane-health of
an organization rest, no. A thinker,
a teacher, yes. A leader, no.
"Therefore it becomes possible,
with that problem shifted to one
side, to consider the democratic organization of an entity, a group,
with elected officers and by-laws
that insure a continued democratically organized operation.
"Certain purp oses of such a group
may be suggested:
"a) To foster beneficial publicity abcut psychosomatic ailments and
treatment thereof by non-medical
means or agencies.
"b) To alert the general public
to possibilities in non-medicallyapproved treatments of various types
and thereby to invite the co-operation, passive and active as offered
and available. of the many non-medical therapy groups which have developed to sufficient strength to maintain public operations and some
legal acceptances.
"c) To foster the scientific
testing of proposed techniques and
procedures of operation, and to pre The ABEIRF,F, November, 1955
sent the results of such testing,
without special regard to any names
involved, to the end that the operating routines of all members may
thereby be strengthened, and the
public respect of members enhanced.
"d) To foster the development of
worthy schools and training and apprenticeship establishments, again
without regard to names but with
prolonged attention upon the needs
of a strong group of field practiticner .
"a) To foster the alert, complete
means of communication by and about
members, furthering that feeling of
compatibility and brotherhood which
was present in the early days and
which ebbed away without such means
of contact and communication. To
promote, in such communication, as
high a tone of attitude and plan as
may b possible.
"f) To discourage, by acceptable
means. weak or wicked field operation. To have all such cases reviewed by a central council of the
group, empowered to take action rep
ative to the group's interest.
"The organization of such a group
might be upon these suggested lines:
"a) In general, the organizational plan of the United States -- a
group of states or "regional departments" and an overall group equipped
with a
"Congress -- elected from regions
according to the number of
practitioner 'citizens' in
such regions;
"Executive Staff -- subject to renewal of tenure annually, at
the consideration of the Congress;
"Council -- acting as judiciary,
organized as proposed by Congress, with longer tenure, and
some continuity of operation.
But -- without executive author
"b)iA program of finanrte by membership dues only, without any assessment powers, and thus postulating a budget of accountable monies.
"c) Regional departments to be
represented by field assistants, retorting to a regional Council eleced from that region only, and also
reporting to the National Executive
Staff and Congress. Purpose of these
persons is to promote the purposes
of the Group, in all ways. To this
end, a portion of the remuneration
of such persons would be by stipend
furnished from the National Staff,
and a portion would be voted by the
Regional Council, and be related to
the success of development of business in the Region.
"d) An annual national meeting of
the Representatives composing the
National Congress to consider the
business reports of the Staff, the
Field Assistants, ard the Council,
and to sit in panels to develop worthy enterprises affecting the purposes stated above. Honorary degrees, titles, and other awards
would be made in plenary sessions,
with national publicity...
"It-nay take months to get such a
group operating. It may be necessary
to organize sub-rosa, and with a
Alas, alack, I'm up a tree
In this awful state will you fine

I hardly knew what I'm about --
Can't be sure whether in or cut
....of my head
I process and process for certainty
But alack,and alas ,and woe to me.
Icy body's in shape, my heart is
While I wonder and wonder, am :
in or out
....of my head.

And oddly enough, as folks watch m,
Process and process, uncertainly
They grab me and say, "Without
Fderyone knows you're definitel}
out ....of your head.

They've nothing to prove it
Yet seem so wise,
Maybe they're seeing
With exterior eyes.

A. B. Elliott, Greenville, S. Car.
promise of limited dues -- say
the start. I suggest these steps:
"1. Organize regional meetings tc
develop Regional Councils. In some
eases such groups are already operating. Have such groups corresponc
with any other representatives, tc
spread the regional group movement.
"2. Select a time and place fore
national meeting, and appoint a temporary organizing committee, of twc
members from each Regional Council;
who will publicly invite attendance
to such a meeting. Thereat, organize the National Staff and Council,
for a one-year term each, and ix
that year complete the initial organization.
" Each Regional Council to appoint ~ its first Field Assistant, and
start local promotion activities.
"4. Develop a Constitution, specifically including the principle:
of referendum and recall, proportional representation, cumulative
voting for officials, etc." -- Lee
Lockhart, II Paso, Texas.
"I arrived in Phoenix on Sept. 21
at about 2 P.M. I hurriedly went
around to 1017 N. 3rd St. to see if
any of my old pals from the ilizabeth Foundation Staff Auditor days
were still around. (I'd heard that
Hubbard was about to make another
'Permanent' move and I wanted to see
if I could be in time to say 'HelloGoodbye' to some of my old friends.)
Put I was robbed!
"A11 that was on the door was a
haside of sign the scotch-taped
door-pane, 'Sciientology
moved to 401-A E. Roosevelt'. The
note looked like it had been scrawlhurriedly by someone on the lam
(as they say in American Comics).

The place DID have a deserted look
about it. A broken Jardiniere near
the front door seemed to match the
tone level of the car alongside the
building with a flat rear tire. The
bushes had a trampled look as though