Volume 11, Issue 1, page 4

HERE IS much evidence to indicate
that the much-maligned calorie is
an innocent little bystander and
gets kicked around for the sins of
the real culprit -- the hairy old
carbohydrate! This is the big, bad ogre
that turns everything in sight into horrid gobs of nasty fat.

If we eat mostly of proteins such as fish,
eggs, lean meat, soy beans (vegetarians), nonfat dry milk, and lean cheeses (in moderation)
instead of such dishes as macaroni, spaghetti,
gravies, creamed soups and vegetables, and
mixtures made with white sauce and butter, we
have a chance of licking overweight. This means
no starches and sugars such as pie, cake, puddings, candy, colas, ice cream, rich sauces,
cream or too much butter (a little butter is
necessary for vitamin A). One may use a limited
amount of natural sugars such as raw sugar,
molasses, and honey, but should be very stingy
of even these sources of energy.

The theory behind this "natural food" business is that you will not crave as much of it
as with the empty foodless foods. Remember how
it is if we go to market to buy the week's
supply of groceries, and we haven't yet had
dinner or lunch. We see a delicious package of
cookies we just can't resist. Needless to say,
we gobble the whole thing down (almost sack
and all) and our appetite runs wild. Yet, we do
not feel afterwards that we have had any nourishment; rather, there may be a dull, sickish
sensation at the bottom of our stomachs. When
we eat natural food, we feel good. Thus, it is
almost a must to eat first before shopping;
then we can pass blithely past all the gooey
delights that are not for us. And we couldn't
care less.

All fruits are permissible, but go easy on
apples, oranges, and bananas (only one of these
per day). They contain a lot of sugar. Dried
fruits are taboo for the same reason. Most all
berries are low on calories, as well as melons.
Just remember to not add sugar or cream to the
berries or salt to the melons (salt helps us
retain water in the tissues -- more on that later). Avocadoes are rich in natural oils (avocado oil), proteins, and vitamins -- so eat them
in salads or plain -- not too much, of course.

Go slowly on all grain products, and be sure
it is whole grain (preferably from a health
food store). One-half slice of bread at a meal
may not add much weight, but some take a few
bites of wheat germ instead as this is the
best part of the wheat (minus the starch). Editor Rodale of PREVENTION Magazine is at war
on bread, and he seems to have good reasons.
He contends that a baked potato or a banana is
much better for one. Now, about that potato
(gasps of utter dismay come from all directions at mere mention of such a caloric.monstrosity). However, the potato is a wonderful
"animal", and contains vitamins and minerals
as well as a very digestible form of starch --
if boiled or baked in the skins. Men have been
known to live for weeks on nothing but potatoes
-- and remain in good health. Starving children
have been kept alive on potato peelings alone,
with no apparent ill effects. And the calorie
content (we mention this only to prove a point
with the die-hards) is only 300 per mediumsized potato. This is without butter or cream.
One-half teaspoon of butter can not add too
much fat, and soy or safflower or corn oil can
be substituted. These are the unsaturated kind
which is burned better by the body thas saturated oils (butter, or solid shortenings that
melt at room temperature).

Here is just a brief outline of how such a
diet might work in actual practice: Breakfast
-- one egg scrambled with a bit of jack cheese
(made from goat milk), a small ripe tomato, or
juice, or unsweetened fruit juice, one medium
carrot cut into sticks, coffee with tinned
milk and no sugar. No bread, but a tablespoon
of wheat germ, protein change might be a piece
of fish, or tuna, on some days; or an omelet,
or chicken, or even steak; but always the
fresh, raw vegetables (may be turnips or radishes, or something) and fruit or melon, etc.
This breakfast will satisfy for hours on end,
being rich in proteins and vitamins, minerals.
Eat slowly, and be sure to dawdle over the
carrot sticks (fools the appetite governor of
the brain). Be certain to eat the raw food -- at
least the first few bites -- at the beginning of
any meal. Scientific tests have proved that if
we take cooked food into our stomachs first,
the blood rushes white corpuscles to the digestive area just as if we had an infection.
White corpuscles are the scavengers that kill
germs and carry away dead or diseased matter.
But listen to this! If we eat a piece of raw
food first, the body sends in red cells (predominating), and keeps sending them to the
area even after we add cooked food -- for the
duration of the meal and digestion. The important thing is to start any meal with something fresh.

Lunch could be a tuna salad-2 mixed greens
and vegetables(raw), or boiled eggs mixed with
the greens. Use unsaturated oils, lemon juice,
and a dash of garlic and a bit of salt for the
dressing. A yogurt sundae is good for dessert
or one could make an entire meal of it. A few
tablespoons of yogurt, topped with a chopped
