Volume 10, Issue 1, page 10
an irrational parent slapping the child unexpectedly and shouting, "Shut up ! ", the occlusion is still more difficult to overcome,
the depth of forgetfulness is increased, and
later the grown-up suffers a chronic dyspepsia,
an aching heart, and possibly has no recollection of ever having a pet as a child.
Such a sufferer of pain and anguish need no
longer make the weary rounds of medicines that
cannot cure and healers that heal not. Thru a
system labeled "Humanetics", he can -- by intent
and purpose (if need be, with a notebook to
write down such phrases as come to one's own
mind) -- seek to recall the lie, to effectively
discharge from the mind manifold word phrases
that bear on the childhood anguish; and to
purposefully re-evaluate these "command
phrases". Thus the "lie" is noted in present
time by the conscious mind. This constitutes a
voluntary action. Magical results follow, but
there is nothing mysterious about then.
An involuntary action is now taking place.
Conscious awareness and purposeful recognition
of the original lie alters the power of the
unconscious to control its victim by the past
illogical dictates of the "command phrases"
that built up such dreadful power from small
beginnings. Without blinding emotion to distort
and make lasting, words and incidents that are
fitting only for the moment, these hangovers
from the past can be re-evaluated in their
true perspective .
Sometimes exact data come spontaneously,
producing sudden changes to show that a "miracle" has taken place; other times and with
other people the work is arduous, demanding
great determination to persevere as the words
of one phrase prompt variations of the theme
and similar agreements are recalled up and
down the path of one's history; until in the
ultimate triumph over the unconscious, the individual has been forced to remember words
connected wi th m a ny painful and emotional
events long lost to conscious memory.
The important thing in Humanetics is that
one need not be dependent upon another for help
in this search. I t needs no mumbo -jumbo or
tricks; no services of self-appointed experts
in esoteric fields of knowledge and/or medicine; no high-priced entrepreneurs to interpret dreams, to discuss or analyze, or review
or evaluate or tell one what to do or how to
Yet, here are the reasons to be found and
set aside why one person hates to do housework
whereas another is a slave to it; why one person is stagnant with idleness and boredom,
another driven to early death by tension; why
one quarrels incessantly and another flees to
solitude; one is sickly and cannot eat while
another bulges with fat and cannot control a
gluttonous appetite.
To escape such compulsions, one learns to
control the effect of these "command phrases"
by first learning how they are installed without the` individual 's own realization; plus a
determination to not increase the problem by
adding to it, day by day.
It will be discovered that the implant has
occurred during periods of anger, fear, guilt ,
sickness or pain, apathy, grief, and other
emotions that accompany critical events in a
person's life -- especially as a child, but not
necessarily connected with youthful experiences.
It would be a mistake to assume that if a
phrase caused the trouble, the effect could be
offset by repeating a counter-phrase in the
popular form of brainwashing known as "posi(PLEASE TURN TO PAGE 11)
APRIL, 1963
HERE ARE occasional, valid reports of people recovering from a supposedly "incurable" affliction. Such events are considered
"mysterious", even by physicians and clergy
and even when an effort is made to explain
them as "Acts of God". However, if there
is a common denominator in such unexplained
recoveries, it seems to be that in some brief
interval just before the recovery began , the
individual has clearly, often unexpectedly,
recalled certain exact statements relating to
a highly emotional and/or painful experience.
A physician, fearful of performing surgery,
became responsible during an emergency when he
unexpectedly recalled his despair and embarrassment as a student when a hypercritical instructor told him, "You will never make a
A compulsive throat-clearer remembered
thinking, "I just can't swallow it," when a
loved one died unexpectedly.
A victim of pernicious anemia remembered
she had been told, "You've lost so much blood,
you won't have enough for yourself."
Remembrance of the painful or emotional
"agreements" actually set forces into motion
that remolded the individual's life.
It has been postulated that the exact words
of some forgotten statement or thought had
become lodged in the unconscious portion of
the mind without the person's conscious awareness; and was somehow causing unreasonable
physical and mental anguish.
The benefit that others might gain from
these data is that it contains the promise that
a person with perseverance may be able to work
alone -- be not dependent upon the whims or fancies of another -- and yet rationally and purposefully prevail against a variety of unwanted
afflictions or disagreeable compulsions.
This would be accomplished by the individual intentionally seeking to recall to conscious awareness the exact words of thoughts or
statements that they told to themselves during
times of physical pain or mental anguish, or
were told by others. The theory behind this is
that the actual word content -- the concept of a
palpably foolish and untrue statement -- can become the unsuspected cause of peculiar actions
and chronic ailments by becoming lodged in the
unconscious area of the mind where they produce unwanted effects by some little known
process of stimulus response activity.
The concepts themselves, often originating
in a stupid remark of,,some other person, can
be described as original lies which have been
accepted as true during times of emotional upset and/or physical pain. This leads to a distortion of logic which exists on the belowconscious level of the mind and thereafter becomes the "source" which causes illogical
obligations for the victim to suffer such consequences as if the lies were actual, invariable, immutable truths.
For example, a child may be terrorized and
sick at heart over the death of a favored pet.
The child thinks, "I '11 never get over this".
If the emotional upset is further augmented by