Volume 5, Issue 8, page 11
"You-all are very worthwhile, even at your worst,
which does happen." -- Ira Buzick, Bronx, I. P.
"I am glad you have not
changed the name of your 'outof - this - world' magazine. It
has been a great help to me.
It is true that there are many
truths in it that I do not understand, but as you say, 'You
are not ready for it' will
suffice for the time being and
I will accept 'Aberree' as the
unfolding path of development.
"This being a materialistic
world, I deem it necessary to
tell you how much I enjoy
reading and studying the literature. Knowing that the laws
of vibration and appreciation
pr~rrss extremely powerful, you
iPidently have received these
vibrations from me but didn't
know it. The fact that I haven't expressed my thanks before
does not ^ean they do not
"Thank you for the article
'Miracles Are Only What Is Not
kingdom , of heaven nns i wit'The
you, but so is the cure for
anything that ails you', made
the greatest Impression upon
me. It is so, but the knowledge
of applying this power is unknown to me. Help me and other
readers, if you can." -- Ann.locian, D.1., Cicero, Iii.
"Ruth and 4I arrived here a
week or 10 days ago and occupy
a house near Kiddieland, which
deserves a story in itself. It
belongs to E.A. (Pete) Paters,
who had a dream, a dream of a
place in the Valley of the Sun
where kids could come and have
fun. It's in the midst of the
Giant Cactus Forest, 7 miles
from the nearest town, where
kids certainly could soak up
the sun, and a few who know
D0. There is a merry-go-round.
There are games. There is a
railroad big enough for grownups to ride on. Across the
Florence -Tucson highway from
the Chuck Wagon, which Pete
also owns but doesn't operate,
it is reached by a dirt road
thru sentinels of giant cactus
planted by Pete years ago as
part of his dream. His own 3