Volume 5, Issue 8, page 16

become one? Do you have any
rules, by-laws, statement of
policy, or other literature?
If it has ever been explained,
it must have been before I became a subscriber to The ABERREE... (ED. Note -- You are, and
always have been -- a member of
'The Infinites', but proof in
the way of a membership card
is being sent you. No dues, no
rules, no invalidation or excommunication. You don't even
have to sign 'The Pledge', if
you don't understand it.)
"I should like to hear tram
other old-timers who still
think the early techniques
were the best, so if you print
this letter, please include my
address... I will also be glad
to hear from anyone who can
convince me that the new, easy
methods really accomplish gayCalkins, Box 27,
Winnsboro, S. Car.
- 444
"Your November suditorial --
it is really down to the ground
and I have no quarrel whatever
with it. However, for realism's
sake, I am disconnecting further from your little ADMIX.
The stark actuality of conditions that impinge on me fairly shouts out against the verbiage of budding apparent
healing pbilorsyophies with a

hiinddtthem and the dip iinto the
Greek reservoir to come up, or
try to, with catchy roottricks, all of 'hick aren't
much more than a yoga to one
that ^ay have spent boars ~~DD
ing into the real thing of t~

1 "Healing will never, as s
friend of mine says -- in God's
green earth -- come into its own
with mach beonint-waving su
wwithdraw, {not, mid you, wwiith --
out eckmowl