Volume 4, Issue 7, page 17
learn your lesson, no matter -- atoms, we wou
you come back until you learn like a glorio
it. (That is why I don't like on a baby's fi
atomic war. I am not adverse oreath of fresh
to the destruction of much of "The people
the barbarianism we call civ- finity' can h
ilization, but picking up the to be a mater
pieces could be mighty rough.) the material p
Wars do not pay because you should put 'et
accompany y`b u r enemies to terialist' to
whatever hell you consign them correct, as wh
to! The Creator is exceedingly thing is, it
perfect and just. How many op- are not things
pressed peoples were once op- mg to say an
pressers now learning how it of the limitat
feels to be the underdog ? ten word is
"But the above picture body is the
would be too black, if there ience that any
was no way of escaping from Buddhist scri
the wheel of Karma. There is a are jealous
'short-cut' for a few. Sweden- only humans
borg tells of a rock that is a fate. Even the
stumbling block to the many, that. And in
and an entrance to a hidden formed that t
passage for the few who care- the body, and
fully examine said stumbling world of 'sam
block. And Francis Bacon tells cal with 'niry
us that there is an easy path the human outi
across the plain and a rough ferent. Only
path over the rocks. The easy from the 'Juan:
path leads to endless quag- 'matter' and '
mires, and the rocky path leads false to fact
to safety. Hence his famous the biological
'Doubts end in certainties and 'organism - ascertainties end in doubts.' I carries over
am reminded of the primitive plane as a den
tribe that had such sayings as tion, and even
'The way to do a job is to do Creed's insist(
a job'. Maybe that is what we Gods in Qng'
must do to come to a happier "To sum up,
state -- do the job of learning grated person
the lesson this life has to the paradoxes
teach us so we can get promo- the dualism of
ted. . And natter has much to 'matter', can
teach us. But for the lowly his own house --
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