Volume 4, Issue 7, page 11
Clarifying Synergetics -- Part I I
Diatteticc ?flicce2
E STATE of "clear" was first produced
in Synergetics in 1952 . True , the
state was only temporary. But the
fact that it was produced was highly
exciting. It marked a tremendous step
How was it done ? It was done by the
use of Analytical Procedure.
Analytical Procedure is based on the
fact that every human being has an analyzer -- a remarkably accurate, ultra-fast
"problem solver " whose capacity is incredibly great -- much greater than most
persons realize, The analyzer should not
be confused with the conscious mind.We
are talking here about something far suerior to the conscious mind. The analyzer can solve in seconds problems that the
conscious mind needs minutes or hours to
solve. The analyzer can solve dozens,
scores of problems simultaneously -- each
of these problems requiring the full capacity of the conscious mind. There are
many problems the conscious mind cannot
solve. The analyzer can solve any problem.
The discovery of the analyzer was, of
course, one of the basic discoveries of
Dianetics. But just as Columbus did not
realize he had discovered America, a new
continent, so did the originator of Dianetics not realize the significance of
his discovery of the analyzer. This is
not surprizing; it often happens in science .
What is this "real significance " ?
It is simply this: The analyzer can
solve any problem!
Why is this significant? Because here
is, basically, the answer to the problem
of producing "clears " . Feed the problem
to the analyzer.
What does the analyzer say when you
feed it this problem?
It says : You can produce clears by
eliminating impedances. (Please note that
the analyzer does not say you can produce
clears by getting people to be three feet
behind their heads.) And you can eliminate impedances by presenting them to the
analyzer as problems.
What a simple, what a beautiful solution this is! You don't have to "run out"
anything. All you have to do is take an
impedance, define it clearly, and feed it
to the analyzer as a problem, The analyzer then solves the problem.
Now, please: You don't feed the problem to the conscious mind. You feed it to
the analyzer. The conscious mind is only
a relatively small part of the analyzer.
In fact, the conscious mind was