Volume 3, Issue 10, page 5

The Old 'File Clerk' Is with Us Al
t gi
ac a White
RECENTLY you mentioned that "Black and
White" was a very workable technique
that did not last long nor receive
sufficient attention. Perhaps you will
find that the "very latest" is merely
what you might call an extension of "Black
and White", or at least, a variatian of it.

In "Black and White", you found a picture
and turned it white. Right? Sometimes a gray
picture went black as pitch and then changed
slowly back to white as it was worked on.
The pre-clear, or processee, just "did" this:
i.e., "turned it white".

NOW we have somewhat the same general
plan of "putting something into the bank" as
a means of "remedying havingness", and, as
usual, thru, or by his genius for discovery,
extrapolation, or deduction, the "Old Red
Head" once more conclusively demonstrates
his real genius for assembling useful information.

More than an extension of "Black and
White", the "new" (at least, it was new in
the autumn of 1956) method is a nifty adaptation of an older tried and true technique
-- lock scanning -- and once more puts to use
an old friend, the File Clerk -- the greatest
single discovery presented in Diane tics.
And, best of all, it puts the File Clerk to
work, automatically, at the service of the
pre-clear and not the auditor, who so soundly misused and misapplied this remarkable
little genie in the first place.

Pure lock-scanning has a singular disadvantage that may be compared only to a pilot
flying in a snowstorm along, and just above,
a railroad track. It's a great sport until
the track enters a tunnel -- and over, or into, it you go -- ker-plunk! or ker-splash!,
depending on whether you crunch or splat.

Black and White also tended to focus attention; and its weakness was that it seemed
to mislead the auditor into a conviction,
or delusion, that "nothing was happening",
and therefore it was up to him to stoke the
fires of his invention and prod the longsuffering pre-clear into action -- get him to
flopping around in the throes of -an engram
(usually the wrong engram) that he was nowise capable of running.

A lot of water has run under the old
bridgework since then, and perhaps the mainstay of continuing, tho somewhat limited,
progress was "remedy of havingness" and the
myriad variations of miracle cures, most
miraculous for having kept the tenuous
threads of continuity intact thruout t h e
years of transition and inadequate understanding.

It always has seemed to me that Black and
White was something of a "scatter-gun" technique; it was hard to tell which pellet
brought down the bird. As we used to say
back home, "If you cut. your finger on a buzz
saw, how're you going to tell what tooth cut
you?" Of course, we weren't talking about

What both lock scanning and Black and
White needed was a pivotal point -- a sort of
iit a ?lew as
cat's tail you could swing the case around
by. Now, we've got it -- with much better understanding of what goes on than we had back
in 1952 when B & W flared briefly into the
area of experiment and was discarded too
soon as we took off into hot pursuit of that
red herring, the "theta clear".

I often wondered how other people interpreted the "Black and White" direction to
"turn it white" after you got a clear or
even foggy "picture" of the scene of disaster or discomfort. It seemed obviously, but
was never called, an effort process. People
"did what was necessary" to turn the scene