"Original Thesis" Is Printed Complete in H.A.S. "Journal"

"Original Thesis" Is Printed Complete in H.A.S. "Journal"

Issue 28-G of the Journal of SCIENTOLOGY carried a full reprint of the book, "Dianetics, the Original Thesis", under the title, "Scientology: A New Science". This should interest newcomers to Scientology as well as "old timers" who "look down their noses" at Dianeticists as "foreigners" and consider them bedfellows of doctors, psychiatrists, etc. This issue of the Journal contains 20 pages and sells for 75 cents, compared to the $3 charged for the original book.

And this might be a good place to explain what the "G" stands for after the issue number of the Journal. Originally, there were supposed to be three classes of the magazine: Medical, designated by the letter "M" and carrying material of interest to the medical profession; Special, symbolized by the letter "S", which would go to special groups; and General, which would cover the entire field of Dianetics and Scientology. The "M" and "S" numbers would be sample "come on" issues, and those who showed enough interest to subscribe would be picked up on the "G" list. The "M" and "S" issues never have materialized.


(Here's Where Page 2 Ended.)

ting the contract to a civilian organization to provide meals for this training center. Not only will they furnish the meals, but there'll be civilian service for officers AND enlisted men, with no dishes to wash, no floors to scrub, no sloppy tables to "G.I."

It's an economy measure. It was discovered that an outside firm could provide better meals at less expense than the Air Base itself. Which merely points up the inefficiency of a military organization. With hundreds of men idle most of the time, serving out a sentence in preparation for a war the top politicians may not be able to maneuver us into in spite of their frantic efforts, it seems strange that cooks, waiters, dish washers, etc., can be hired, food prepared and served--at a profit for some civilian firm--cheaper than the Government can do it.

Yet there have been parallel instances in the past. On Operation Crossroads, the Bikini atomic bomb experiments of 1946, more than $100,000,000 was spent to detonate and photograph two atomic bombs. A better job could have been done for one-tenth of this sum by even one of the "B" picture companies from Hollywood. It was no secret among military personnel that the pictures made by the Army Air Force of the A-blasts in 1946 and the preparations for it were far inferior to pre-explosion pictures made by a newsreel company.

In the name of economy--if the administration REALLY is interested in lightening the tax burden--maybe somebody will come up with the idea of fighting the next war by contract: give the contract to win the war to a low-bidding civilian firm and let them make the plans and hire needed personnel. It's certain experienced gunners wouldn't be pounding typewriters, typists picking up twigs and cigaret butts off the grass in the "Officers' Quarters", and cooks and dish washers operating the armament.

Besides, if it were a game as well as a job--instead of enforced servitude under incompetent rank-happies--winning a war might be fun.


"A hypochrondiac", according to Will Roth in The FLITTER, "is a fellow who can't leave well enough alone. He has also been called a person with a sick sense."

A "Rev." Braxton B. Sawyer, who calls himself an "Anti-nudist evangelist", seeks laws in Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, and Arkansas to outlaw nudism, which he admits does not now exist. Anyone know a better way to make nudism popular?