Volume 11, Issue 4, page 14
Roy Eugene Davis. 191 ¢p.,
$4.95. Pub. by Frederick Fell,
Inc., New York.
Persons familiar with the
writings and lectures of RoY
Eugene Davis will welcome this
new book, "Secrets of Inner
Power", which seems to combine
much of the material in the
author's earlier books, but putting more emphasis on living
here and now, and less on the
spiritual abracadabra on which
so many metaphysical teachers
seem to concentrate.
Mr.Davis sums up the book's
intent thusly, in answering a
question as to his primary
purpose: "I believe that the
most important thing to remember is that our world is
the reflection of our believing". Therefore, it may be a
bit disappointing to those
metaphysical bloodhounds who
spend their lives with their
noses to the ground, blindly
sniffing for they know not
what and baying at each new
scent that crosses their path.
Too many people move thru
life without conscious recognition of what it's all about,
Mr. Davis states. "We grow old
and die when we... psychologi. cally decide there is nothing
worth living for...You can create time by having something
for which to live -- by project,` ing yourself into the future
as you conjure up worthwhile
plans and goals."
Of course, no one who reads
this review would do any such
thing -- but how many do you
know who're having so much fun
waiting for a nebulous future
to reveal what it's all about
that they haven 't time or in;q centive to create a "present"
for themselves -- and therefore,
life becomes a carrot dangling
at the end of a pole somewhere
:4 in the mists ahead of them?
=U What you want, you can have
-- even all the money and material things, if you'll use that
creative imagination you have
by which all things are possible. "To get things done, you
'must aim high," he says, and
adds, "Get rid of the illusions
that keep you from enjoying
15 A good book for per sons
making positive mock-ups, but
who just "know that it isn't
going to do a bit of good." --
-- A. H.
* * *
Jack Harrison Pollack, 318
jr.,, $11.95. Pub. by Doubleday
& Co., Garden City, N.Y.
In this country, any mention of a Dutch psychic is apt
to bring to mind Peter Hurkos,
but in Europe the one most
widely known is undoubtedly
Gerard Croiset, whose story is
told in this book by Jack Harrison Pollack.
Croiset's versatile abilities have enabled him to locate missing persons, find lost
objects, and also to solve
crimes when he is called on by
police departments, which frequently happens. . Documented
case histories and tape records are on file at the Parapsychology Institute of Utrecht
in the Netherlands, where the
director, Prof. William H.C.
Tenhaeff, has been conducting
experiments with Gerard Croiset for 18 years. The professor
coined the word "paragnost"
to describe those who can see
"beyond knowledge", and altho
he has records back to 1926,
including 26 men and 21 women
paragnosts, he considers Croiset the most gifted.
The records of Prof. Tenhaeff were made available to
the author and he has given
detailed descriptions of many
incidents involving telepathy,
psychometry, clairvoyance, and
even precognition. In the latter category, one of the most
unbelievable accomplishments
of Croiset is his success in
the famed "chair test". This
experiment was inaugurated by
Prof. Tenhaeff 17 years ago,
especially for Croiset, and
has been repeated hundreds of
The test works thusly: "A
chair number is selected haphazardly by a disinterested
third party from a seating
plan for a future meeting, say
the third seat in the fifth
row. The seats are never reserved. Moreover, the meeting
is often held in a different
city, with Croiset not even
told when. Given the seat number, Croiset predicts anywhere
from one hour to 26 days before the meeting, who will sit
in the chosen chair. It is immaterial whether the time period is short or long, the results reveal. Croiset's imvressions are tape-recorded and
placed in a sealed envelope
and not opened until brought
to the meeting. He gives precise and detailed information
about the future seat-occupant's stature, facial appearance, hair, hands, body marks,
manner of dress, as well a:
personal incidents from thi:
designated individual's life.'
In the conclusion of his
book, Mr. Pollack conjectures
that there must be countless
gifted, undiscovered, undeveloped Gerard Croisets in the
United States, who are neglected because American parapsychology is not geared to
seek out, test, and use these
natural sensitives for the common good as is done in the
Netherlands. The closed-minded
attitude of so-called "pure"
scientists has delayed recognition of extrasensory perception in America, altho letters
sent Croiset from the U.S. reveal that belief in E.S.P. is
far more prevalent here than
is generally assumed.
Next to democratic Holland,
the most exciting parapsychological research in the world
is now being done, surprisingly, in the Soviet Union, says
Mr. Pollack. As well as competing in "outer space ", Russia
today is trying to conquer
"inner space" -- the hidden regions of the mind. A Soviet
researcher has predicted that
in the not too distant future,
it will be possible to utilize
brain currents directly t o
control mechanical devices -- a
frightening possibility, but
even more frightening is speculation that they may be able
to conquer the world by telepathy instead of propaganda or
bombs. -- Sophia Tryst.
* * *
Mark Twain. 302 bp. $5.95.
Pub. by Harper & Row.
Most writers we know have
some "practice work" which is,
by itself, not intended for
market in its present form --
it either was "inspirational",
and as such, to be finished later, "mood work" (writing an
artist does while trying to
put himself in the proper mood
for something he may be working on), or pure "sounding off"
in which he permits himself to
vent his feelings with no restrictions as to what effect it
may have on his public. As we
read "Letters from the Earth" ,
which had been suppressed for
so many years by a daughter who
thought it didn't reflect his
best work. we wonder i f this
was stuff Marx Twain might have
discarded or completed, had he
been sufficiently incarnate to
have any choice in the matter.
"Letters from the Earth"
takes the absurdities of the
Bible apart, mixes them with
typical Mark Twain humor, and
rubs ecclesiastical faces in
the resultant doughy mess. It
would be interesting to hear a
"dedicated" minister review
the book, and try to explain