Plowing Up the Field
Dale Malleck, former dean of Hubbard College in Phoenix, reports he has just finished a two-month stint of uranium prospecting in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, and New Mexico -- and has a full beard to prove it. Possibly no connection, but the longer the beard grew, the sicker the Jon of his Jon-Ron twins got ... Dick deMille has "crashed" the British magazine, AUTHENTIC, with his "The Phoenix Nest", and regardless of the title, it has no connection with anything the "Bird Watchers" of the Arizona capital are or aren't doing ... Lee Lockhart has moved his seat of operations from Albuquerque, N. M., to El Paso, Tex ... Will Roth in FLITTER -- speaking of religious teachers -- probably intended to say: "We leave all that to duly constituted authorities". But his typist added an extra "l" to the word "duly", and we think it much more accurate that way ...
Newest definition of a "clear" as given by H. R. Angell recently in Minneapolis: "If an individual can pose up a problem, resolve it mentally and then activate the conclusion in present time, he is then a 'clear'." ... .Bob Williams reports from Denver that he has finished, in rough draft, a third science fiction novel -- and is busy revising his first, which has been sold ... John and Hazel Robinson, who recently moved to Colorado from Phoenix with the intention of opening a Scientology colony, are reported, instead, to be operating a Center in Denver, with both private and group processing. Will someone lend them a stamp so they can send us their new address? ... With L. Ron Hubbard operating a school in the same town, it was a bit too much competition, R. Ross Lamoreaux reports in closing the Phoenix Scientology Institute. Instead, Ross is moving into a home and opening a processing office in downtown Phoenix. Phoenix won't be the same without Ross's horses, guns, and 24-hour coffee urn for all visitors.
John Meyers, after reading some of L. Ron Hubbard's books on what a "clear" should be able to do, drove the more than 200 miles from Pampa, Tex,, to Enid to see one in operation. And was he disappointed! ... Other visitors to Enid included Genevieve Crist and Norman Fritz of Wichita and Paul and Jackie Ishmael of Oklahoma City, who were dinner guests. Earl Cunard of Crescent also was invited, but he arrived 12 hours too early and got Ye Editor out of bed. As punishment, he didn't even get coffee, as Ye Publisher wouldn't get up ... Ada Elliott and Margaret Davis of Dallas recently were visitors in Phoenix ... 'Tis reported that Mr, Hubbard expressed himself as wanting to "find" Perry Chapdelaine. Wonder if Ron's had a change in heart, or if Perry's been messing up some more of Ron's favorite pre-clears with his C02?
CHANGE, a mimeographed news letter written mostly by Art Coulter, M.D., has entered the field to expound "synergetics", whatever that is, to the synergetic community, wherever that may be. It is published by the Human Study Group of Columbus, Ohio. More silent members of the editorial board include James and Frances Norri and James Young ... ..Kent Corey, who spends a third of his time publishing a science fiction fan magazine called the ALA-SPACE, another third sponsoring and arranging for the "Oklacon", a convention of science fiction fans in Oklahoma City September 4, and a third third helping his father in his father's printery, is neglecting one of these thirds trying to persuade The ABERREE Editor to use an E-Meter and lay bare his time track. We'll bet Papa knows which