Volume 11, Issue 4, page 17
ondary personalities and personality factors.
"But, unfortunately for him
and for society, this man is
not clear in personality. He
has a 'lodger', a male of age
65 to 70 at death around 85
years ago. This lodger's intelligence is of the lower mechanic, foreman, salesman level. His will is averagely positive and about 100% of optimum strength. The emotional
drive is positive, but quite
weak. His sex potential reads
only 30% and about 15% actualized.
"Determining the status of
the composite individual which
these two exhibit to our ordinary senses and habits of observation and thought is not so
simple as adding the two sets
of figures together and dividing by two. We are dealing with
concrete or real, living factors, not abstractions. A separate analysis must be run.
"In this case the two will
drives are of equal strength,
but of unequal positivity.
This gives a full, steady, optimum strength, but a more or
less shifting quality of will.
The combination intelligence
is a drop from the high professional level to that of small
business or mediocre professional ability. The emotional
drive drops from the strong,
steady, high average of the
clear man to a shifting pattern ranging from average to
weak. The combination sex drive
potential ranges 50% to 60%,
mostly 50%, with actual interest and temptation effect only
about 40% of optimum. Low, and
easy for strong will to control or even wholly suppress.
"To whatever extent t h e
above can be accepted, perhaps
it may make a charitable attitude more practical on both
sides of the arguments, or end
"Toward the lodger the old
attitude would be fear and
condemnation as a demon or
devil, fit only to be driven
out and consigned to 'hell
where he belongs'. But the
best and most intelligent current attitude is that of compassion and rescue for both
victims, usually ignorant of
their true situations, hence
helpless to do anything about
it, even when capable on their
own. But, alas! Such attitude
does not yet prevail and rescue for either victim is seldom available. Too many and
powerful entrenched ideas and
interests bar the way.
"I am not myself qualified
for such work, nor do I know
of anyone, anywhere, so qualified. The work is often difficult to virtually impossible
and even dangerous. Most mediums will not touch it, not be
ing strong and developed enough
for success and safety. Nor am
I practicing any of even this
analysis work, especially of
this type, except for my own
need of such information and
as research. For any sensitive
there are dangers in contacting too many pathological cases
even in this remote way. Also,
there are the legal dangers in
diagnosing or doing anything
about any identified case, or
revealing such information
about identified persons. " --
Frank Mc Connell, Redlands,
0 0
"'AN ERRANT person seeking the
light' (June Auditorial).
What is light ? Do you have a
clear concept of the nature of
light? How can one find something if one does not have a
clear concept of what one is
looking for? (ED.NOTE -- This is
a GOOD question; we've often
asked, and never have we gotten a SATISFACTORY answer -- not
to OUR satisfaction, that is.)
Your Auditorial is a good one,
but I want to point out much
of what is published in the
ABERREE is just rhetoric without any foundation in facts.
(ED. NOTE -- Here we pause t o
ask your own question, altered
slightly: What i s fact? Can
you guarantee that any of your
words -- in books or in letters
-- are any more than ' just
rhetoric'?) For instance, there
is mention of mind, consciousness, etc. What is mind? Where
is the mind? How does it function? On Page 11, Roy E. Davis
advises -- 'In this way you learn
to live with a full understanding of all life processes'. Does he have that kind of
an understanding of ALL life
processes? Weigh this statement by itself -- 'Things do not
happen to you -- you happen to
things.' Does it make sense to
you? How much of what you publish can stand up to an.examination bit by bit? When I read
a technical bulletin, every
sentence makes sense. Therefore, I enjoy most of all reading the letters you publish --
and your Auditor ial s. " -- Morris
%atzen, Cooks Falls, A. P.
"If every pebble and grain
of sand on the sea shores of
this earth was a world, it
would be a true scale of visible astronomy.
"Bet there are some funny
worlds and religions amongst
such an incomprehensible infinitum. Possible creatures with
a thousand-year life span, or
scientists may have created a
race of mechanical men, monsters, or robots which can reproduce and repair themselves.
Some fine worlds going thru an
ice age, etc., or some with
dying suns. Might even find
a heaven, or a chain of worlds
communicating by space science
and ships. Also, a world of
worlds that have come to an
end -- dead worlds, live worlds,
worlds being born, and worlds
in the dinosaur age -- everything
imaginable at all. (ED. NOTE --
And maybe worlds beyond our
worldly imagination?)
"Nearer home, why don 't. all
the psychics try to guess who
will be elected p resident?
That would show how many are
Democrats and Republicans." --
A. B.Pierson, 1439 Mill St.,
Selina, Calif.
"ON MY trip downtown to the
postoffice the other day,
they took one
look at me and
handed me a fistful of the new
John Muir postage stamps.
There is quite
a story around
these parts about this. It
seems that a
high school
teacher name of
Paul Finot in
Pasadena somewhere, Ivor Darre
grew a g
short black beard on his vacation last August (which was
about three weeks after I
started, so I wasn't emulating
"When he reported in Septemher to school, they refused
to let him teach his usual
class, and demoted him to a
private tutor. He made a legal
cause of this and sued the
school board -- there has been a
preliminary hearing, . and some
television and newspaper publicity, but the case is still
pending. The Civil Liberties
group appeared for him (one of
their lawyers has had a beard
for a good many years), and
there is other moral support
here and there -- e. g. some of
the college an d university
professors at various places
around Southern California.
"But the real irony of it
all is that the school they
won't let him teach classes at
is called the John Muir High
School -- and as you can see
from the stamp on this letter,
"I am rewriting my taped
improvisation on the organ I
built out of scrap electronic
parts (swords out of plowshares -- these parts come out
of military equipment mostly)
so that I can copyright the
music... The surplus military
equipment referred to includes
such things as radar subassemblies, amplifier insides,
transmitter parts, and so on --
these things may be bought for
a song in numerous surplus 18