Volume 6, Issue 2, page 11

suddenly go up after all my into co nsciousness after a Plus knowledge. And that's how
life being normal . I was as- long series of defeats and hu- simple it is.
sired it was nothing that could miliations, which have been so "Of co u r se , no modern
not be handled...He is in Ten- accepted by the disciples. church group has brought their
nessee and will be here possi- " S c i entology validation faith up to an analytical levbly this year... techniques make the pre-clear el. They are just like so many
"This is just one of the more comfortable and perhaps ignorant parents. The child
many I reach out and get and more effective in the compet- gets raised, regardless of the
always with good results. I itive world. But Zen is not mental state of the parent ,
have a monk in Europe who also concerned with material suc- but has to unlearn many things
is a' marvel. He is extremely cees, and teaches us to accept in later life. The same with
old, and just goes on and on; humiliation, destroying pride the churches, as with the parone generation never knows he's and the desire for emphasis on ants, in this case. They do
existed from ' way back. He is self as a distinct Being. This, the best they can, but most of
humble and kind; raises sheep , according to Zen, paves the it is wrong.
and gives eggs and vegetables way for the accumulation of Noticed your articles conto the poor. He is a 'living energy in the Unconscious for cerning Subud. No soap on that
doll' -- my 'pet', and very in- the grand finale of Satori. one. It appears odd to me that
teresting." -- Mary Stone, Bous- "From Bucke's 'Cosmic Con- so few people can understand
ton, texas. sciousness and James's Vari- the difference between reality
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