Volume 4, Issue 4, page 4
gen , lithi~~m , etc ., were melted together ,
but extremely high temperatures were
needed to do this melting -- millions of
degrees. No source for such temperatures
was known until it was found that the
atom bomb could act as a fuse, for the
plutonium, when in fission, creates enormously high temperatures. In 1951 the
first H-bomb was successfully exploded by
the use of the plutonium bomb as the
"trigger" . The H-bomb is at least 100
times as powerful as the A-bomb, equivalent to at least one million tons of TNT.
While atomic bombs (plutonium) are limited as to size, there need be no limit to
the size of an H-bomb. An H-bomb dropped
on either New York or Washington, D.C.,
would destroy the whole city, kill immediately all persons within a 20-mile radius, melt all metals, exhaust all oxygen
in the air, dry up all the water in the
Hudson River or in the Potomac, or bring
t h e nearby ocean to a boiling point .
Earthquakes and winds would sweep many
miles in all directions. Deadly radio-dust
would be sent out over 7,000 square miles.
The total deaths in any such instance
would run into the millions. Half the
people in cities within 100 miles would
be killed by the poison dust created by
the enormous hole torn out of the heart
of either city. The poison dust would
follow a cigar-shaped pattern approximately 160 miles long and many miles wide.
A cobalt bomb could be made, but this
would be so all-destructive that only an
insane leadership would ever attempt it.
The facts about the cobalt bomb: The
technique is simple -- merely make a shell
out of cobalt metal instead of steel to
surround the hydrogen or atomic charge.
Such a cobalt bomb would create a large
cloud of radio-active cobalt dust. If the
explosion took place off the Pacific
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The world within us and the without interfe
world without us are the ad- thoughts.
verse and the obverse facets
of the inextricably bound All- When we give
Nothing world. to an engram,