Volume 9, Issue 1, page 6
(continued from page 5)
sions; of conversing with them just as easily
as with men of this world, only telepathically
instead of on the verbal level.
There is much talk, whenever people -gather
to talk about the field of occult science,
about the danger of premature awakening. The
basic scriptures have this to say: Before contemplating the inner awakening, strive to come
to terms with the environment, have a philosophy of life, understand the basic orincinles.
With this as a foundation you cannot go wrong.
When a person begins to become aware of the
contents of the unconscious he becomes aware
of a great many things, some of which are beyond his comprehension. Being unprepared for
what he sees and feels, it is quite likely
that he will become unbalanced. This is not
the result of inner awakening. This is merely
the result of introspection. Show me a person
who is obsessed with himself and his inner
workings who is not an unbalanced person.
Many of the men and women I have seen trying
to demonstrate the "gifts of the spirit" were
simply dramatizing subconscious patterns. Their
automatic writing, trance babbling, hysterical
tremors and bodily contortions bear it out.
Individuals who feel they are directed by the
"spirit within" to pour out their precious
gems of truth are merely giving vent to stored
up dreams and thoughts. Most who claim to heal
while in this state of consciousness are quick
to claim a healing, but overlook the dozens
who pass by without result. Possibly in no
other area of this work do we find so much
self-deception and confusion.
When we begin to experience the inner awakening, there is a movement of life current in
the deeper recesses of the body. This movement
of life current begins to dislodge rigid patterns of energy, causing a change to take place
in the psychological nature of the individual.
Most persons have repressed desires and hidden
memories of fear, pain, rejection, failure,
etc. When the subconscious storehouse is opened, this is revealed. This is why some people
say they were doing all right until they began
to meditate. They were stab lized in a certain
behavior pattern until they began to remember
the problems of the past. They fail to realize
that they will have to resolve them some time
and the best time is now. They do not know
that these repressed patterns also lock in
great volumes of energy -- energy that cannot be
used in the normal daily activity. When these
patterns are released, we experience a flow of
energy which, if properly directed, enables us
to accomplish great things.
Men and women who are not very aware tend
to shy away from the idea of wiping out the
painful recordings of the past. Or, they prefer to call it "karma " and let it go at that.
They feel they must suffer for the mistakes of
the past. They cannot see that to come to the
realization of Life, here and now, enables a
person to forsake the past.
When we have desires which are held in check
for awhile and suddenly come to the surface
after a period of reflection, we tend to believe that we are either being taken over by
some evil power or we have fallen in line with
a negative race thought. The simple explanation that we all retain desires in the subconscious which are released in due time is
not dramatic enough. A very common question is
this one, "Isn't there some danger in the
practice of meditation? I've heard that if you
don't protect yourself you can be influenced
by negative forces."
Remember the basic rule, "Man identifies
with the object of contemplation". If you contemplate evil forces, you will experience what
The Wolf Who Cried "Boy!"
-- Or Trying to Help Sheep Is Thankless
A RAVENOUS wolf awoke one morning in early
summer to find that during the night he had
become a philosopher. Delight filled his
heart, for he had not been a philosopher
for some time. "I will visit the flock of
sheep on the slope of the hill and tell
them that which has long been in my mind," he
thought. Setting off at a trot, he soon arrived at the hillside.
Now the sheep seemed to know that the ravenous wolf had become a philosopher for they
were not at all startled when he began to address them in the following manner: "0! sheep,"
he said. "When I was a ravenous wolf you feared
me greatly and ran blindly about when I came
near you. Yet I slew only your weakest members
and devoured them only to satisfy my hunger
that I might live yet a few more days. But the
shepherd boy whom you trust slays you that he
may profit much and he slaughters many of your
young on the Altars of Sacrifice... " As the
wolf was addressing himself thus to the sheep,
the shepherd boy came running from his tent,
flourishing his bow and arrows, so the wolf ran
off crying, "Boy! Boy!"
The sheep continued to nibble the green
grass of the meadow unheeding.
The next morning the wolf again awoke a
philosopher. Again he set off at a trot, arriving in good time at the hillside, for he wanted
to tell the sheep that which had long been in
his mind. "Do you not know that the shepherd
boy has taught you to fear me, yet have I never
treated you as has the shepherd boy. He leaves
you to forage for yourselves among the hills
and meadows while he adds nothing to your comforts or your needs. He shears you of your fine
raiment and leaves you to shiver in the chill
of the Spring. He warms himself with garments
woven from your fleece..." Before he could say
more, the shepherd boy came running from his
tent brandishing his bow and arrows. At this,
the wolf ran off crying, "Boy! Boy!"
The sheep continued to nibble the green
grass of the meadow unheeding.
On the third morning the ravenous wolf again
awoke a philosopher. Once more he set off at a
trot to tell the sheep on the bill slope that
which had long been on his mind. On arriving at
the hillside be began rather breathlessly to
address the sheep for he had not eaten in three
days and was somewhat weakened by being a philosopher. "0! sheep," he cried. "Know you not
that the shepherd boy has made a bargain with
the merchant, Pro Fitt to sell you in the
market place? Run with me into the forest and
I will show you the way to safety." As he was
pleading thus, the wolf heard the singing of
an arrow close over the top of his head and
not being foolhardy, he ran off at great speed,
crying, "Boy! Boy!"
The sheep continued to nibble the green
grasses of the meadow unheedingly.
By this time, the wolf was much fatigued
from hunger and the strain of being a philosopher. "It is better tobe a ravenous wolf," he
thought, "than to be a philosopher of sheep."
On the fourth morning, the wolf awoke with
a mighty hunger.