Volume 8, Issue 10, page 11
THERE is no way of
knowing how much
inspiration Arthur J. Burks of Paradise,
Penn., has brought
to those with whom
he has come in contact, no way of evaluating how ma y Tr;
aculous thing: he ha
done. and no way of
knowing howmany peo-
ple he has brought
into areas of life
who had not realized
that they were immortal be n!
mi n:sih:,
well have been thinkin selves into death forever.
To know without doubt how perceptive a person is, it is necessary
for the observer to have comparable abilities,
orto have reality on facts fr m the vaults of time for
comparative information to place alongside the information
which comes thru another person. Having accomplished memory of my
past existences, thru the removal of barriers
in time, I am able to bring into my recall anything I choose, and
I make this claim without requiring anyone to
agree with me-for I know that those who have the same ability can
understand, and those who do not could never
begin to.
My first meeting with Col. Arthur J. Burks took place more than a
year ago, and I witnessed several
performances without making it known I was doing so. I was most
pleased with all that I saw. so I went into
research on this amazing man, not to satisfy myself but to learn
of his present lifetime experiences, and to know
what his interests were and are, and how he came about the gifts
he has.
It didn't take long to accumulate a rather large pile of
information about this man, for he operates in the light,
and his past is open to any researcher.
COL. BURKS was born on a ranch near Waterville, Wash. Early
experiences in this Colorful frontier country inspired
the books , aRivers Into Wilderness" (under the pseudonym of
Burke MacArthur), and "Here Are My People".
In 1917 he entered the Marine Corps, and was commissioned in
1919. His present Reserve ranking is lieutenant-
Action in the Marine Corps, as well as the writing field, took
him to far corners of the earth-- Haiti, the
Dominican Republic, Brazil, Cuba, Bermuda, Canada, Hawaii, the
China, Manchuria, Japan.
in the 20's and 301s, Col. Burks, then head of the American
Fiction Guild, was known as aDean of American
Fiction". His name appeared in practically every kind of
magazine, including Japanese and Chinese, with many
stories of adventure, war, weird, and general fiction. To date
his published works total a phenomenal 30 million
words; included in this are 42 books, some of which are
collaborations and- a few ghosted for other writers and
widely-;nown personalities.
Since 1939, Col. Burks's prolific production of articles and
books has necessarily reached a slower tempo, fame
and fortune becoming of little moment beside the growing demand
for his gifts of spiritual and psychic awareness.
His inherent desire to help his fellowman has come increasingly
to the foreground thru a series of incidents
indicating his great ability for extra-sensory perception.
BURKS'S discovery
that he had heal-
ing hands was almost
accidental, and this
brought a new aval-
anche of seekers to
his door, none of
whom he could turn
away, despite the
fact that the giaw-
ing demands on his
time as a profes-
sional writer began
to prevent him from
having the time left
for earning a living. The faculty of
being able to diagnose illness from
touching the patient's body brought
members of the medical profession to him
for consultation on perplexing cases.
The technique of tape recording information consciously received
developed from a seemingly simple incident. A
gentleman arrived for a private consultation, tape recorder in
hand, and asked permission to record the information
received. This solved a problem , for Col. Burks had found that
he could not read the superphysical records and write
at the same time.
Information comes to Col. Burks consciously as he speaks, both in
public lectures and in response to individual
questions. He declares, "There is an answer to every question".
He does not receive information unless asked, and
does not retain it once it is given. Factual names, dates, and
places are often mentioned concerning people and places
of which he's had no previous knowledge or contact, in answers to
letters from Persons he has never seen.
It is incredible to sit in the audience and watch this remarkable
man literally "put his finger" on the source of dis-
ease or dis-comfort of the persons who ask his help. No technical
training, no collection of scientific facts, could
ever bring this ability to the fore in any individual, for this
is an activity that cannot be generalized. Every person is
different, and no scientific approach could ever be accurate in
so many cases, for to stretch the facts of a science, or
to alter them for application to varied conditions, is to also
leave the basics behind and enter into the experimental
conditions once again. This is not a problem for Col. Burks, for
he simply makes himself utterly available to the
person, and in so doing, becomes completely attuned to , and in
understanding with, that person, to the degree that
he can see the problem source much better than the person can who
is completely introverted into the problem.
HIS ABILITY to travel the tracks of time is
superb, and he comes back from these expeditions with data that
has never been written before. Pertinent facts
about events in history, personalities, and purposes seem to come
to him with ease, and it is my opinion that they
do because he does not alter them; he inerely reports what be
gets, and goes into no personal opinions on any
subject unless be declares it to be his own opinion. -'
I call Arthur Burks"The Human Mirror"--for that is what he is.
He. like a mirror, stands still and permits motion
to be imaged from him. The accumulations of past experiences
parade before the mirror of this man, and they who
ask, can be told. A mirror does not alter that which is reflected
-nor does Arthur J . Burks alter what he sees.