Volume 11, Issue 7, page 9

From the powerful 10th house, comes a further evil influence -- Mars. Mars is synonymous
with trouble, accidents, riots, bloodshed. In
the same house we find two more malefics, disruptive Pluto and Uranus, with its unexpected,
sudden and unforeseeable shattering effects.

The 10th house also represents the Administration and sometimes the President himself.
The presence of Mars there is indicative of
illness, accident, and sometimes death in administrative circles.

Taken altogether, chart by chart, this is
going to be a violent, ruthless, close election with neither side satisfied with the returns.

The Lunation chart for Nov.4, the day after
election day, depicts what has happened as well
as what will happen. This chart shows Jupiter,
significant of the Republican party in the 9th
house, but in retrograde motion, i.e.approaching favored mid-heaven spot (the presidency),
but then reversing itself and going the other
way fast before it reaches its goal and at the
same time, receiving the full brunt of the opposing lunation from the 2nd or money house of
the people, plus the further opposition of
chaotic Neptune and Mercury, representing both
labor and foreign countries. Neptune, ruler of
the 7th house, represents foreign countries,
war and international disputes, while Mercury
rules over the 10th or administrative house,
the nation's business, reputation, and influence
in foreign affairs. All of this opposes the
election of the Republicans to power.

On the other hand, Saturn, representing the
Democratic party, is in the 6th house of laboring people, civil service employes, and at
the same time is in Pisces, ruling sign of the
Negro people. The only opposition apparent to
the party seems to come from Mars in the 12th
house, representing criminals and those whose
interests are inimical to the people. Oddly
enough, in the chart of the Republican candidate, Mars is in that same 12th house.

It is a rugged year that is pictured ahead,
with the coming exact conjunction of Pluto and
Uranus -- the early effects of which we have already tasted in the rioting, fires, and kindred
troubles that have beset us since this conjunction became even slightly effective -- a sort
of warm-up period before the main concert.