Volume 11, Issue 7, page 2
∂ Burt and Ruby Essex, who our cardinal rules. The artiare hogging much of the spare cle by Burt and Ruby Essex is
space in this month's ABERREE much, much longer than we orwith some doleful forebodings, dinarily permit -- and we seldom
are a couple seers who take accept any of the "doomsday"
their own words seriously,very material offered us for publiseriously. And when they put cation. This does not mean,
on their faded turbans and however, that we're letting
took a look at the heavens as the bars down on book-length
they shall be in the future, articles, nor that we're ready
they spilled a few -- words to to stand poised on the edge of
take seriously, that is. Then an open grave, waiting for the
they went into action. Living hand of holocaust to tumble us
as they did in Allendale, N.J., into it. But we do think the
they surveyed the prospects for Essexes have done a nice,
survival just in case, and de- scholarly job of summing up
cided that with Congress act- the doomsday potentials -- and
ing as it was on some of the we regret the pain we must be
basic human rights, and the causing the authors by the
stars threatening to do their many, many words we DIDN'T
bit to add to the confusion, leave in. However, if they're
Allendale wasn't an address correct, they can't hold much
they wanted to keep. So they resentment against us between
began looking f o r something now and next June, when they'll
more suitable -- with the result be too busy patting themselves
they bought a small farm near on the back to remember what
Hawley, Penn., put their Allen- we did to their pretty manudale home up for sale, and be- script... 1 As for the rest of
gan the tortuous task of pick- you, if any of you have a few
ing up roots and transplanting millions you want to rid yourthem into new soil. "Every so self of so you'll not be buroften, we'd load the car with dened with that filthy green in
kids, blankets, pillows, tools, whatever world you've mocked
building materials, cats, food, up for yourself in "The Beand go off to the farm which yond", The ABERREE is still
is a two-hour trip, work like accepting subscriptions at the
heck because the house is old same old stand...
and has been neglected, and 1 Col. Arthur J. Burks, of
then a few days later load the Paradise, Penn., whom we have
car again with kids, blankets, mentioned occasionally in The
pillows, etc., and come back ABERREE, was in Oklahoma City
to where things have piled up for almost a week during the
because of our absence, and past month, and we went down
work like heck again to tie up to hear one of his talks. Althe loose ends." And all the tho we've heard Mr. Burks on
time, those planets are get- numerous occasions, and some
ting lined up for the "big of his discussions are like
show" as Burt and Ruby see it. sitting thru a movie for the
We suppose that if by next June second or third time, one doesall hasn't happened that they n't sit thru a movie for a rethink might happen, there'll peated showing unless one enbe another session of loading joys it -- and this is true of
up the car with kids, cats, the Colonel, too. This was one
etc., on a two-way cycle of of the rare occasions when the
dis-prevention. Except the Al- Colonel was accompanied by his
lendale home has been sold -- wife Ruth and the cats -- which
and who can resist owning a is always an added bonus for
home in an area with such an us -- altho we were kept so othEdenish name -- "Lord's Valley"? erwise engaged that we missed
They didn't know that was the out on the cats. Mr. Burks (he
name until after they'd moved, doesn't like "cub" reporters
Ruby says -- and anyway, it's a and ex-enlisted men referring
hill, not a valley. Probably to him as plain "Burks ") spoke
the other half of the name al- one night on "The Truth About
so is a dichotomy -- which only Reincarnation" and the sactime will prove... ceeding night(which we missed)
on " E.S.P. Demonstration Link∂ In this issue of The AB- ing the Past to the Present .%
ABERREE, we have broken two of ∂ Among those present were
Ann Lass. Wilmette, Ill., Marie
Strachan, Villa Park, Ill., and
Gerry Ward, of Chicago, who
were making a multi - purpose
visit to Oklahoma City: to attend the A.S.A. (Spiritualist)
convention, to see Mr. Burks
and "the Invisible Physician",
and, in the case of Gerry, to
return the October issue of
The ABERREE because of faulty
collating, and get one with
all the right pages where they
should have been. It seemed
like a long train trip to pick
up a copy of The ABERREE, but
we were glad to see Marie and
Gerry again, for the first time
since Lakemont, Ga., and we
know how much satisfaction; it
must have given Gerry to stand
up to the editor and rub his
mistakes in his sassy face...
I In addition to the two talks,
Mr. Burks gave some readings
to those who wished them, and
we suppose there are several in
Oklahoma City looking at themselves with a new perspective,
now that they've had an outsider looking in on their past
in the present...
1 Rosalind John, of Norco,
Calif., didn't like some of the
nasty things we said in the
September issue (Page 16) about
doomsday prophets -- and cites a
book by Edgar Cayce to prove
they're not all "fear merchants", as we said most of
them were. However, we contend
that it's no worse to die when
a world tips over, or an old
continent rises, than it is if
the jet plane in which you're
a passenger malfunctions, as
happened to her recently when
she flew back to Kansas City
to visit a daughter. The plane
was due to leave Los Angeles
at 5:45 P.M., but because of 7
instrument trouble, they were a
unable to get off the ground
until after repairs were made.
On the second attempt, trouble
developed over the mountains T
and they had to return, circling the airport 30 minutes o
to lighten the fuel load before
they dared land. After changing to a different plane, the
flight to Kansas City was made
in less than three hours, but
the "fright '% Rosalind says,
was after they were "safe" on pa
the ground and the driver of W
her daughter's car gave her a
some thrills comparable to anticipating a wall of water
coverings sinking continent...
^hich is a good lesson for 01
Most of us: our newspapers and Ca
radios keep us filled with expected death from carelessness m
on the highways -- and we go out 41
subconsciously half soared to F,
death and a menace to others
in the same state of phobophobia. Our guess is that most
of those who drive year after