Volume 4, Issue 5, page 19
conventional crimes of gregar- plies to the
ions thinking and enter the 'perfect coop
free open country, where n e w neer creative
visions of truth come into from 'Aries',
view. the zodiac, go
"The 'haven of the brightly work bathe sci
shod and shaven' is therefore and all phases
a bomb shelter for the timid endeavor." -•
souls who wish to be sure that Marrero, La.
they will not have any thoughts (ED, Note.or flights of imagination that the Waishes c
Mrs. Smith would not under- cial message f
stand and approve of. in which he al
"The phrase 'Fasten rubies cryptic analy
in his crown' refers to the Ye Pub. Ye Ed
opportunity of the wife to sees it. is "j
build up the husband's ego by and we don't It
making him feel like a king, ing him as a
so he will have the confidence or giving us m
to try the greater adventures ifications. I
that open up before his. to define Ye P
"Hence, the 'Wanderer', or and eSyl logs3m
the 'Drifter' -- meaning Disci- to make no pub
ple, or beginner on the path, to the Dynamo'
So the bum is.the highest pro- ever, this "
duct of our culture. And his from nowhere"
quality of soul is the result for L. R. Hub
of revolt, rather than confer- supersonic sal
mitt'. SD the culture can be truth with t a
=given credit only because of we'd better
its unpal atabil ita, like an that, either.
emetic. Ha. I better quit before I fly off into the strat- "I have bee
osphere. unpopular in 1
"'Aried Coalescence' pp- cal circles b
remark: 'Dianu
thing that on
Working with the Oddity,
called the Pre
FAITH Darreg, Los ki
"Right now
with the Gr
of perceptual
set up by a
is thethirds freebook trists who we
gown asa to ail who write personality di
in asking for it (Please include most y
ual pa rce ptio
sot iwr pasaage aid handwrte) Like many of
+ ested in Dian
LEARN thepratoiplesof Faith in for very
used by ourstmdet.ts,whohare descriptions o
written us marry lamers h l usions . This
been in ()per
of 1-alios.fi.dAW,
" seven years ,
~" r siderably in
since this tim
"The direct
mallalt1Y„wade!' ()is, was and
,Ife, • 'clearest', I
+ "We are now
"peen?, in spiritual r
are learned th
+ them in this
Learn how you san use to power interested in
of Faith to do similar things in group i s ulli fi
Vow life from the practical and not even
prfnziples in this /rmebook be have ever s
As we hou
Tuesday and
itial charge,
we have so meth
ENGINEERING one can use,
any interested
INC. in.
"Those peep
Box 117A Fairhope,Alabama area may be mo
W z da qui rf
al shea. Means
erasion in pio- Commercials ,'work' -• ' Aried' , Advertisements under this `e'
first sign of head: 2t a word, in advance.
verning pioneer UNPRECEDENTED travel bargain!
encea, religion. For only one dollar you can
of intellectual roam all over space AND time!
Paul E. O'Neill, Order "Journeys Through the
Unconscious " from Ivor Darreg,
The reference to 1 2 8 0 Exposition Blvd., Los
ame from a spe- Angeles 7, Calif.
rom the Dynamo , NOTED Graphologist, bau Mathiso did a little son Electropsychometer. Pro•
ing of Ye Ed and ceasing appointments made for
, as the Dynamo Pre-Sleep Tapes, to conquer
at-a-tat-tat"— m e n t a l problems affecting
now if he's cit- health, overweight, nervous" tattered rat " , ness, alcohol. Also writing
aChine-gun qual• analysis, by nail one dollar
t takes two words for noay,five clinical, sevenub-• "Symbolism" fifty two or more people involved. we Dorothy Dryden Belieff
' -- comments as P•S.D., 5102 60 Av., Hyattsvillet Md. Near District of
s accuracy. HOw- Columbia.
thing that talks
has a definition COMBAT PSYCHIC ATTACK. Be free
bard, too -- "A of evil forces; witchcraft
esman, selling exposed, hypnosis broken. 40.
ils min Guess page printed book S1. ASTROLnOt annotate on OGY can solve your problem. S5.
Send complete birth date, time
and place to Mary Elanau, Box
n making myself 1612 , Dept. A , Prescott , Ariz.
DCal Aberrologi- 25 YEARS' experience has ens-.
y quoting this bled me to give 85% to 95%
ttics is some- correct answers to your quese person, called tions, as verified by ^y many
Oes to another, clients. Psychometric analysis
-Queer'." -- Ivor checked by careful astrological
fieles, Calif. charting enables ^e to offer
you a Futurescope you can rely
on. Send donation of S3 and
I am associated five questions you wish anduate Foundation swered, together with your date
Science. T h i s and time of birth, as well at
w a s originally birthplace. Also, send three
group of optome- of your hairs. Thela Newcomer,
re certain that P.O.Box 475, Williamsport, Pa.
sorientation was NOW only Si each, thanks to
ealized in Via- the large demand. Following
n difficulties. titles available: Psychometry;
us people inter- Visualization; The Golden Magi
etics, they went is Circle; Intuition vs. ImaCtual operative pulse; Psychic Development;
f perception il- Mental Telepathy; Concentragroup, having tion. Order direct from Doroation for over thy Spence Lauer, 5149 Meridihas changed con- an, Los Angeles, Calif.
its philosophy SEVEN "Spiritual Healing" exe• ercises by Arthur J. Burks,
or, Dr. Ann Nich- to be used in connection with
is about th a mr. Burks's "in absentia" seahave ever seen. sions, from 10:00 to 10:15
more interested (EST) nightly. These exercises ,
ealities, which to be used one a night and then
ru the living of repeated, will be sent to any
life. The group who contribute S5 or more tothis matter as a ward Mr. Burks 's Foundation
for research into what lies
ed and creative, behind disease. K.& S.Smith,
the d d powers that
topped ely, Box 301, Harrisburg, Penn.
d Open House on us thru our recent descriptions
there is no in- in the press, particularly the
and we believe Hearst papers. I understand
ing that every- some San Francisco paper inI would invite terviewed Dr. Ann recently." --
people to drop Hillery Wiggle. Malden, Mass.
(*ED. NOTE -- How about some
le in the Boston more information on this, Hilre familiar with lory?