Plowing Up the Field

meets)... jAnd is
* Norman Fritz had
r Wiest -In That a
Mtn, as hinted
RFE. His mother
list of vi f '
iimposing domicile
vides the
Q jAfter craffi
~~ l~q ! ams, Fri Bma " ~, \ of his Psychology
r versity of Bous
to take the test.
/~" just try Ming
11 Ill you won't even h
1 are "". _ {IIhi1 I ;,; ought ""Zero", r
Iit was "much ado
W IJ'f{'I [1,14 Zero came to us
, P f r candy ter, which
° `~'1 [ If Li~ sent philip Fri
~i ^ Friedman in tun
. gip c•• 4410 the Wic~iita hos
meantime, we'd s
PkjWh]g Up the Field tice that a pack:
if we'd send 6¢1
be forwarded.
jFinally, at long last and after did. For a can
long agreement (pardon tie "l 's" that much travel
but this is a "long" tale), we've th72 e c &toward
found something with which we and of circulation.
Ham Freedom log are at odds. In his a ned bit
Iluna Billetin, he says to shun any a duet it acros
system that seeks to eliminate salt {hew has
from the diet because "we evolved Biel aan , fa
from the sea and several minerals Scienoggy in
are needed by the body, salt most of C..?... jVisiting
all" Friends who come to see us ty. au in thein
bring their own salt-shakers, be- e Scien
cause we haven't touched the stuff hak ard Carol Br
purposely for more than 10 years.

But maybe our evolution was of the q~e ((pprr
fresh water type... IRecent shift- from ; on too
abouts on this planet: Ruth Yerks "across the roof
and her Army husband from-Mzbach, stopping off heGermany, to Presidio of Monterey, old friends".

Calif.; Bob Arentz from Salt lake her, she was
City, Utah, to a much better job in that was before
Denver, Colo.; Philip Friedman from in Mexico... 1"
his winter quarters in Arizona to that was all we
his long-neglected architectural Urban, Des Maim
desk in Pittsburgh, Penn.; L_ft Lock- reader, who s
hart from El Paso, Texas, to his old route". Other
stomping grounds in Albuquerque, N. ably see Dr.
M. On Zydokunzruskehen, Jonas Sig2 tons Beach, it
has been elevated to Tier 99-009 be- itinerary for
cause of an article in the June AB- jAnother HERE
ERREE... jEd "City of rem" Milligan from the Baston
confesses he gets up at 3 A.M. so he Critics Club.
can have most of his work done be- they abandoned
fore Dorothy Bra~rd, his secretary, theme... I The
shows up and he has to put on a heartiest abeshirt. It's been/is hot in Ehid, Hamilton and Wa
too.., were married
IDorothv Woodgatg, D.N. and D.Scn. Olio. Laura is
of Houston, is home again aftera and grd with
bit of voyage that took her to the
tip of South Africa, where she visi- j%hile Carr
ted relatives, "ancient and modern" low for a Tew
and renewed cmumnrrication with for- throat", his bi
mer school friends. Also, she discos- thwarted because
ered that Johannesburg has some very same time, fm
cod uditors, including J. Keith under- (Do peep]
rrv, author of "Scientology, the in Phe ix, Ar
Contribution to Knowledge", with rVan an order
essea... '11!
whom she had dinner the evening be- dret she and fie
fore she started her return trip... the soanda
jWe wish to thank Don Purcell, Jahn side on bicycle
and Youuuue_&uch, -A-rden Mir' sass on thto
Bers?oui t ,forman Fritz, Neda o% off- ness less
ill arad Helen H4gl, the Pub- found when le
l~er of Ye A , and the nurse innd when they
and doctor or two who stopped meas.. a o Detroit
tonally, for visiting us while in g', at ,
the Wichita VA Hospital. And as for quarters house was
the get-out-of-there-quick cards we o June 9
ot, never was the potency of infin- ,
all better demonstrated.
our carefullyyy-guarded flor-domos of
"secret"?... oumne and John Burch, ter... j Winst
by the way, have moved into a new Yorks., E ga-iid
home in Wichita—all their own (well, about mescal
it will he after a few thousand pay- (Please t
10 The A
i emuni
to the n i ar Wi Wh d b an r II tI T th AddF~ .th A Fi C aud th rn 6 o bu
e discovered that
no matrimonial inA
partment he moved /
n a previous ABER,
who should be added *
sitors above) pro- -s :ti' "_.
e touch for this
g for his final ex- ( , bs1 f
ound himself on top : ,do class at the Uni- i 'f/
ton, and didn't have
Next time, Fred,
the examinr, and ~i i
ave to cram... 1 We
eceipt of the 1 1~~
il as we suspected, .;
about nothing". The
inthe form of a
Dr. Addison O'Neill C
n, from Florida.
n , sent it to us in ,~
pital, but in the , 1%
crammed. Came a no- • A I ' _ s1
ge had arrived, and
ostage, same would
ich we did, and they 8v PHILIP FRIEDMAN
y bar that had done "The letter 'K' is stamped upon
[rig, and contributed the universe" said Plato. Wherein
the postal deficit, the letter "I" is the universe. Topromptly took it out ether the are basic bthe chi
And it didn't taste mo. theyetter than if we'd •
s the street... I By Man is a mean occupying the zero
yone heard from Dr. band between all and nothing.
iner (?) mainstay of •
Pentagon City, D. Blue blood has a higher vibratory
Burke and Millen frequency, but red blood goes farr new Phoenix home tiler.
tologists Nadia Bin- •
y ••• Can light be divided fromdarkinitd) Conway writes ness? So also is it impossible to
she's now in flight divide synergy from dysergy.
-• tops of the worlds.e and there to greet Happiness is happeness.
st we'd heard from •
in Connecticut, but The answer to "%fiat holds the
she spent the winter universe together?" is "%hat holds
raveling south"—and it apart?"
could get out of Bud •
m newspaper proof- Make the most of MEST, it's a
in Ehid, "en must.
an to say he'd prob- •
ison O'Neill in Day- Dear Auditor
, it seems he had no As of this inst., your well-inis vacation jaunt... tended services, to make me a clear,
ND NOW in the mils are no longer REMAIN,
Science and Fiction Irst we've seen since PhilipFriedman
Diantology as a main CJ010)
rations to Laura L. TO BE HELD THIS SUMMER
iMer L. Sherertz, who
n 12 Jute in Salem, Those who like their ologies en
a registered nurse masse have two choices this suer.
itor, While her has- First, will be the Synergetics
e U.S. Air Force... Workshop, to be held in Columbus,
011 Hennick was laid Ohio, on July 13 to 15. This is the
-days wIth a "strep first such Workshop to be held, and
d for attention was according to Dr. Art Coulter, there
Pearl, at about the will be delegates present from as
urI herself "snowed far away as California and Texas.
e get "snowed under" Theme of the Workshop will be the
iz., in late spring?) protodyne — an "identity pattern refor some fancy squaw sponse to the threat of pain", which
ra Bradford writes Dr. Coulter insists is not the same
r son~3m are explor- as the Dianetic "ingram".

New Jersey country- The second meeting will be/maybe
s—and that the flat- the June Scientology Congress, now
rrain makes this type set for August 29 to September 1, in
fatiguing than they Washington, D.C. The shift fran the
lived in hilly Mass- June schedule followed news that Dr.
e Church of Scientol- L.R.Hubbard, science fiction writer,
has moved into new would return to the U.S. from Ehg
550 Third Avenue, and land, Ireland, and Spain in time to
held on Saturday and address the conferees. This Congress
and 10. Dr. Ernest often has as many as 150 to 200 delPauline Ward are tie agates for the lectures and final
-tFis gull-ante ten- party. No announcement has been made
n Farrar of Leeds, in regard to the Caress theme, but
• wrote us an inquiry no doubt Dr. Hubbard, in his year
ttons -- which is some- abroad, has picked up something new
urn to Page 11) and startling.

W ita in b 'U 1a ~ peen