Volume 3, Issue 4, page 4

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FWtol)M THE inception of the Dianetics/Scienogy movement, mauch ado has been made
about creative individuals. Indeed, this
is what led the present writer, who composes
music and builds electronic musical instruments, into this new field of -eticses and
-elegies. Eloquent passages praising creativity have been written by most of those in the
movement; you can read some of them in back
issues of The A IRREE, and also you might read
pages 234 ff. in Book Two, "Science of Survival".

Unfortunately, however, this has been mainly lip-service, talking about how nice it
would be if people were more creative and original, rather than actually helping you and
me and Elmer Q. Schnifflepuss to become better
writers, composers, engineers, artists, industrial designers, or whatnot. Even the socalled "creative processing" does not seem
particularly to make people creative.

Impatient with this disparity between theory and practice, the present writer did something about it by starting a series of creativity meetings in the summer of 1954. Held at
irregular intervals, these meetings are still
going on, and there is good reason to believe
they will expand.

Of course, this is just our personal preference, but we have held our meetings in
homes, with small groups and an informal
shirtsleeves atmosphere. Four to ten persons
seems the best number to have; above a dozen
or so, you have a crowd rather than a group.
Also, these creativity meetings are discussions) not lectures, and a large group compels