Volume 11, Issue 10, page 6
sonal, Creative Law. Also, that this impersonal,
creative principle personalizes in individual
man as the inner man, cloaked in a physicalmaterial body. It is spoken of as "indwelling
Spirit", the "Image and Likeness '% etc.
Intellectual religion is not new. It is
just being rediscovered -- and by men and women
of science. Truth is never lost to the creative-thinkers even tho the priestcraft of many
ages has done an effective job of disfiguring
Cosmic Truth. This rediscovery presents itself
at this time as a science. Being refound by
the scientifically trained minds, it is therefore adaptable to any particular religious denomination the individual wishes to participate within so long as dogma and superstition
are deleted and logic applied. An individual's
acceptance or rejection of scientific fact is
a personal matter and responsibility. It alters
not the truth of the scientific fact, for you
alone alter yourself by your own decisions.
Scientific Prayer is provable. To learn it
and apply it in a scientific way sets in motion
a cause -- and for every cause there is an effect.
This is a universe of law and order -- cause and
effect -- nothing can happen by chance. The use
of the idea of "chance" admits of "miracle .%
and miracle is the name given to the condition
of one's ignorance of the laws governing the
There is nothing difficult about this scientific approach. It is simplicity itself.
What makes it seem hard is that one must clear
out their theological and mythical thoughts.
Such house cleaning of the individual mind
seems to annoy many persons. It is like cleaning out the attic -- one usually puts it off from
year to year, secretly wishing the place would
burn down so as to save the effort of sorting
the worthwhile items from the sentimental, impractical, and worn-out artifacts of the past.
These persons refuse to let go of the past and
grasp the present; refuse to live in the everpresent N O W and establish the mental blueprints for the future. They cease to evolve
and grow. They choose to stop and relive yesterday, which, of course, can never be done for
it is over and part of history.
Obvious Conclusions
Ignored or Denied
N THIS scientific age, many of us wonder how can so many contemporary
cults deny the most obvious conclusions stemming from human experience.
For example: Christian science denies
the existence of matter (even tho it believes in the reality of monetary donations).
Other theorists deny the existence of time.
Some scientists challenge the validity of oldfashioned plane geometry; instead they believe
in four-dimensional (non-Euclidean) space. The
old theories of Buddhism maintain that the human "self" or soul is just an illusion.
It may come as a surprise to some people
that the pre-Christian Greek masters believed
that many human experiences are based on seemingly self-contradictory phenomena. The great
Zeno (336-254 B.C.) theorized that motion is
incompatible with our three-dimensional space.
He argued that no object can be in two places
at a given instant. Hence the object must be
in one place at any instant, but how can it
move if it rests during each instant? The divisibility of time and space is based on the
contradictions of infinity. Suppose you divide
one by three (1 3 = 0.33333 ad infinitum), you
can never write down all the decimal digits of
the answer; your task would never end. But if
you draw a line 1/3-inch long, you accomplish
it in a short time, even tho there must be as
many points in the line as there are decimals
in the answer to 1 3, i.e. infinitely many.
Infinity embraces all the numbers that can possibly exist. If you have exhausted all the
numbers that can exist, how can anyone draw a
line longer than 1/3-inch? If, on the other
hand, you did not exhaust all the points that
can exist, then the amount of points in your
line must be finite, which would be inconsistent
with the rules of divisibility and continuity
(Remember all the decimals of one -- third?) Is
therefore space discontinuous? Does motion
consist of little skips without passing thru
intermediate points?
Our modern theorists are not so crazy after
all! they think space must have an upper limit
while energy cannot exist in amounts smaller
than a "quantum ". Some think that space closes
on itself like a doughnut.
In the Sixth Century B.C., Pythagoras
founded a famous mystery school where disciples found the proof that none of any possible
whole numbers or their fractions can express
the ratio between the diagonal and the side of
a square. Therefore, such an "impossible" ratio is called irrational; it makes plane surfaces irrational if'not impossible. Altho the
Greeks knew that their science was based on
self-contradictory assumptions, they continued
to gather more data, thus building the foundations of modern science. Greek methods of
questioning were suppressed during the dark
ages of blind belief; the Greek tradition was
broken, but our modern civilization started
where the Greeks had left off.
Even if basic truths should be "unknowable",
it is far more profitable to question the most
obvious conclusions than to blindly accept the
decisions of our senses or the authority of
other human beings.
The pompous judge glared sternly over his
spectacles at the tattered prisoner who had
been dragged before the bar of justice on a
charge of vagrancy.
"Have you ever earned a dollar in your
life?" he asked in fine scorn.
"Yes, your honor," replied the prisoner. "I
voted for you in the last election." -- The
from others' lamps. They have faith in their
belief, and belief in their faith -- but like
Peter, they don't have the know-how to walk
unaided on the waters of knowledge.
Thruout history, people have believed such
learned pronouncements as the world was flat,
that the earth was the center of the universe,
that man never was made to fly because he was
created without wings, that traveling faster
than a few miles an hour would be fatal because
of man's metabolism. Obviously, as we advance
in the age when we dare question these pet
theories and "sacred cows '% we will know more
and believe less.
And, we hope, we will profit from the experience, as we haven't from believing.